Graphic Design And Technology Essay

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This essay will explore how these technologies are used and what benefits there are from using them over traditional and established methods, and why graphic designers think they need or want for technological advances. Also, how graphics designers work now, compared to how they used to work.

Mechanization of Typography Mid 19th century presses could mass produce up to 25000 copies per hour but each letter had to be set by hand = limited newspapers. Advancements in technology machine set typography printed on machine made paper. The first steam-powered cylinder press, 1814. Koenig’s invention caused the speed of printing to skyrocket, while its price dropped considerably.

Victorian Typography In the Victorian Era, the taste for ornate elaboration …show more content…

Graphic designers and artists can use graphic programs such as Photoshop, Illustrator and other professional applications to create designs. There are literally endless possibilities of what a good and talented designer can use programs such as these for.

“…..a couple of things bother me. One is the extent to which technology has evolved. The evolution of technology has been tremendous. I’m not computer-literate at all. And at the risk of being thought an old fogey, I mistrust what computers do to ideas. But given the impact of computers within the design world, the impact of computers on photography, the impact on the Web, I think that there has been a really fundamental sea change, a kind of shift of the critical mass.”
Steven Heller and Elinor Pettit

I agree with the above quote. The development of digital technology is a great aspect of graphic design. As computer applications become more powerful, it is easy to let more of the computer produce the work and lesson a designer’s creativity. As the nature of the graphic designer is to think and then act on his/her thoughts; when a computer can do the thinking – where does this leave the graphic designer and what is the role that they

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