Graham's Faith In The Film Signs

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In the film “Signs” Graham the protagonist, has his faith in god tested and must see the signs to restore his faith. Every character like graham or his wife colleen has their purpose throughout this story in the test of Graham’s faith. Graham must see that everything is planned and that everyone has a purpose in god’s plan. Graham’s family is facing two different conflicts throughout the film and one will push the other. When the aliens, the lesser of the conflicts, invade it brings everything together and grahams starts to see the signs and is able to save his family. Every character throughout this film has their purpose in helping god test grahams faith in him. Colleen, grahams wife, is used as a sacrifice to set everything up and to …show more content…

The greater conflict is that graham must get his faith in god tested and decide if he believes if everything is done with a purpose and is designed or if everything is just by chance. Graham goes back and forth between believing if everything is designed or just by chance. In his early adulthood he believes in god since he is a priest but when colleen is killed, he decides to drop his faith in god because he didn’t want to believe god killed colleen on purpose. This also leads into one of the main themes of father and son. Graham is almost like the son of god and has to decide if he trust his “father” or not. Also, the father and son relationship between Morgan and Graham comes with a lot of conflict and at certain times Morgan plays the father role. After colleens death Morgan engulfs himself in anger towards his dad because his dad did not protect his mom. In reality his dad could have done nothing but Morgan feels as if it was his dads fault for his mom being killed since he did nothing to protect her even though he couldn’t have actually done anything. This whole conflict is pushed by the lesser of the two conflicts that being the aliens. The aliens coming in and bringing on the feeling as if the world is ending makes all these feelings which have been held in up to the point of the alien invasion. Morgan and graham are forced to face their conflict and to speak about it as they don’t know if …show more content…

If Graham was ignorant towards these signs his family would have died. In this “plan” Colleen was a sacrifice by god to get the first “message” of these signs to Graham and to start the “plan”. Starting from where the alien, who was the one graham cut the fingers off causing him to stay back to get revenge, holding Morgan. Graham then gets a flashback to him talking to his wife for the very last time. Colleen, with the way her body was bent, should have been dead, but as part of god’s plan she was still alive to give Graham the “message” or instructions. This message from Colleen was “tell Morgan to play games, Bo to listen to her brother, Merrill to swing away, and for Graham to see”. These are part of the signs graham must see in god’s plan to regain his faith in god. As Graham comes back to reality from his flashback, he starts to see the signs. He sees the bat that was used by Merrill to hit the 507 ft homerun, and remembers what Colleen said and tells Merrill to swing away. As mentioned before, Merrill had been playing baseball all his life and said “it felt wrong not to swing”. His life was preparing for this moment of swinging at the alien. At this moment the alien sprays the gas into Morgan’s lung appearing to most likely killing him, but because of his asthma, which he had since BIRTH, saved his life since his lungs were closed. Merrill then starts

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