Government Pay For College Tuitions Essay

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Nov28, 2017

The government should pay for college and university tuitions Do people think that free education is helpful for students attending college or university? The Canadian government has decided to provide a free post-secondary education since a long time ago. This policy will give all students an opportunity to attend the high standard level of education, which is a top level in the world, until they graduate from high school. After graduating from high school, it will give students an option of attending university and/ or college. Free post-secondary education providing a platform to allow more people to receive a degree and/or diploma certificates in society, and it will make them have higher advantages in …show more content…

Opponents of providing free tuition insist that if public budget from the government is not capable to maintain the system of free tuitions, it would cause the raised demand and increasing costs then many colleges and universities would have to legislate a rule so as to know exactly how many students can be accepted and that number of students would overwhelmingly decrease due to the education level falling off. Therefore, the government should not pay for college and university tuitions. People opposing free tuitions might think that entering university or college is just their own choice by spending their money. In other words, the students who do not have much money to attend college or university had better work to earn money in order to be …show more content…

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