Government Intervention In Health Care

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In the majority of advanced societies, access to basic and emergency health care is considered a moral right, regardless of gender, age or belief. However, with government intervention there begins to have certain regulations upon who will receive affordable health care, since the us government, in addition to tax payers are paying for it. The role of government throughout healthcare is to” balance the demand and supply of the services; as well as prevent market failures in the form of monopoly, price fixing, and exploitation”. The efficiency of a healthcare system of a country represents the future of its society and whether or not people will receive affordable health care. Although Health care might seem irrelevant, 29 million people as …show more content…

In addition, the financial burden of other people’s medical costs will be left with insurance payers, leaving them a higher insurance rate. Over-all the benefits for medical coverage will leave society healthier as well as diminish the stress financially. In General, we base our governmental structure and the efficiency of it, and automatically compare it with other countries to try and either prevent certain situations or leech off of their ideas in hope for a better outcome. For example, another country that has a very similar yet completely different health care system is the UK.
In the US, healthcare is private, however the government has established publicly funded health care programs that cater to the elderly, the disabled and the poor. Medicare and Medicaid provide services to certain segments of the population yet leave an increasing gap in the working class in between the growing gap between rich and poor. Medicare is a federally funded program available to most U.S. citizens and permanent legal residents who have lived continuously in the country for five years or more and are age 65 or older. Whilst Medicaid is simultaneously funded at the state and federal levels. Medicaid …show more content…

Everything involved with health care revolves around the NHS model. They design every policy and control all the operations related to health care services. The main aim of the NHS is to provide “a comprehensive, high quality service available on the basis of clinical need and not ability to pay therefore having socialized medicine. It is also a huge job provider, increases the productivity of the economy by keeping the workforce healthy (including preventative treatments like vaccinations) and increases real GDP by raising life expectancy and therefore lengthening the average working life (Riley, 2006).” This specifically allows the UK government to put more control on their health care system (Reid, 2010). In addition, the Uk government has a large range of medical facilities whilst focusing on ways to better execute their health care systems. In all, even though healthcare is open to the public at any time the quality and availability of care is especially high. Overall the comparison between the us and the uk system of health care leaves drastic differences however places the u’s system as a more efficient way to deal with health

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