Good Eye For Photography

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Acquiring a good eye for photography is an ongoing process that requires an understanding of basic photography concepts, the ability to learn from your experience, a willingness to experiment, and the ability to notice the world around you. The last requirement, the ability to notice your surroundings is one of the most important skills the photographer should have. The person with a good knack for noticing things is rarely at a loss for finding great subject matter for their photos. How to Notice the World around You Most busy people with many things on their minds, merely use their eyes for navigating around. They quickly scan here and there and their brain fills in the rest. Most of what the eyes see are filtered out by the brain. If you only use your eyes for navigation, the brain gets very good at only perceiving those things that let you do this efficiently. However, the brain can also be trained to notice details, the texture of things, lighting, and so forth. For example, law …show more content…

A lake shore has different appearances depending on the time of day and weather. The intensity of lighting, its diffuseness or softness, as well as its angle affects your perception of textures and colors. Color - There is more to color than the familiar colors of the rainbow and its mixtures. Some colors work together harmoniously while others contrast sharply. The orange and reds of a sunset work well together and are harmonious, while bright red tulips provide striking contrast against the green field where they grow. Contrasting color will make your photo subject pop out from the background. The angle - When you walk down a path in one direction, things look differently than when walking in the opposite direction. This is due to the difference in angle (180 degrees). Whether looking from the side at different angles, from above or below, there's tremendous variation in your perception of the same

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