Good Christian Memo

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I believe there is one characteristic of a good Christian that if we practice with one another this church will be filled with Christian lovers of the word of God. So what is this characteristic that we need to practice? Ephesians 4:32 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. There is a bunch of us that didn’t get this memo, we aught to read this verse every day and make an extraordinary effort to be kind to one another. We should repeat it every day of our life, “BE KIND I better be kind” especially when we come to church and meet new people, new folks. I guarantee you that some of us siting on this pews are holding grudge with one another, forgetting that true kindness lead to forgiveness. …show more content…

Not in this life have you lost your mind?” does it sounds familiar? They are not sitting on my table eating my food! Mater of fact you better be carful not to eat or drink anything they give you, we may get poison!! And yet, we call ourselves Christians, credible witness. Paul was talking to the church over a thousand year ago and we still have the same problem. Children can teach us a lesson about been kind, the Bible say in Mathew “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Play Video of Boy serving as a bridge for his little sister. Some of us will not do that for our spouses; we can learn something from children he laydown and serve as a bridge, our Father does the same thing for us. “Get on my back I carry you across, I’ll be your bridge I will show you compassion so you can then represent me well in this

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