Some people decide to take years off after they graduate from high school, while others choose to go straight to college. I believe that the best choice to make is to go straight to college. A person should go to college right after high school because if they wait too long, they might end up not going at all. Attending college immediately after high school keeps the students studying habits and learning techniques intact, and the earlier they attend college, the quicker they will finish their college career. To begin with, if a student decides to take a year or more off to work, it can encourage that person to not go to college at all. Once a student starts working they get the taste of money and feel like if they are receiving enough money to pay their bills, so they continue to work rather than go to college. For example, a member of my family decided to take a break for a year before going to college and began working. Many distractions came along the way which caused her to not go to college. She now tells me how much she regrets not going to college when she had fewer responsibilities to handle. …show more content…
Attending college right away will help the student remember most of the material they covered in high school, and it will be easier for them to pass their classes. The studying habits that the student possess will still be intact and will come in handy throughout their college career. Also, the learning techniques that they used in high school can also be used in college to make it easier for themselves. Since they recently graduated from high school they have the habits of waking up early, setting time aside to complete homework assignments and projects. If the student takes a break they will eventually get lazy, and it will be more complicated to go back to the school
In recent discussions of education, a controversial issue has been whether or not to go to college after high school. On the one hand, some argue that starting your career after high school is the smart thing to do. On the other hand, however, others argue that the smarter decision would be to continue your schooling by going to college to get a degree. In sum, then, the issue is whether or not college is the right decision for you. My own view is that you should go to college because it helps you build character, start a tradition, and gives you experience.
By being connected to the right people in the right positions who would be willing to serve as your mentor, you are likely to get more exposure in your field of study, and this can setup you up to move right into a position that you would like to work. Early college will continue to challenge yourself instead of staying in high school just wasting time and hindering your growth when you know that you are ready for a challenge. Being able to go to college early will bring about better job opportunities and show the higher level of maturity of your child. Lastly, it sets the highest goals to help students achieve more and be the best they can
High school instruction are not directly continued in college. It may help for the first year because those courses are the basics of the subject. College professor are specialist in their field, while high school teachers have general information that runs on a curriculum. College professor have an academic freedom and can teach whatever they desire. Students should understand that the first year schedule has a lot of variety with the classes being very broad of their subjects. The last basic adaption is that in college, students must learn how to self-motivate and self-disciple. No one is going to watch over their shoulders and be on top of them to do their work. Time management skills needs to be developed and only the student and create their
After high school, there are many different opportunities that open up for everyone. Some people have the chance to go to a prestigious college right after they are done with their high school career. Others might just want a break from school and possibly take a year off. There are no right or wrong answers to what someone does after they finish high school. It all depends on the person's situation or what they feel is best for them. However, there may be some more benefits to taking a year off than going straight to college.
Preparing for College after graduating from high school is considered to be as one of the most thought by students. Even so, most students nowadays are uncertain whether attending college will be a good advantage for them. Some believe that it is a waste of time and money, but most people consider it as a reason to thrive in life. Unlike High school, College is certainly different because it determines your future and should be taken more earnestly by the students. College education is a worth of cost because it basically provides students with great benefits, which can be a good help in shaping their future goals.
First of all, many high school graduates cannot handle college. Isabel V. Sawhill and Stephanie Owen describe college as a place, “one can obtain a traditional four-year bachelor’s degree”. The work load outside of the classroom could be compared to working a full time job. For example, if a student is enrolled in four college courses and is in class a minimum of four hours the student should spend at least four to six hours of studying. This may be extremely agitating and stressful to a student that is not good at studying. The new college student may realize that the schoolwork is too much for him to handle and instead drop out. In Pharinet’s blog post, Is College for Everyone? He states that “…it is estimated that in the U.S., approximately 50% of students who begin college never graduate. There exist students who are not yet ready for the academic and financial challenges of college. There exist students who do not have the desire for college or learning.” This statement is important because if 50% of students that begin college never gradua...
College instills attitudes, skills and other characteristics that make college graduates different from those who do not go on to college. It will help the student develop skills specific to their career path and crucial for future job success
All or most of us have gone through it. The countless hours we spent filling out college applications, scholarship applications, visiting colleges, and taking the dreaded tests. Whether it was the PSAT, SAT, ACT, or other college entrance exams, it was a big hassle. After visiting such a great number of colleges, the advantages and disadvantages of the schools seemed to run together in my mind. The endless paper work and deadlines seemed as though they would never end. When I thought about college, it seemed like it was not real, like it was a figment of my imagination. I imagined what it would be like, wondering where I would go. The questions of "What did I want to major in?" and after I decided that, "What schools had my major?" circled around in my head. When filling out questionnaires for college searches I was asked about what size college I preferred, whether I wanted to be in a rural or suburban area. Did I really know how to answer these questions that would so greatly affect the next four years of my life?
Many young students have now started to work at a part time job or full time job while being in high school or college. Most of these students that are working are either working at a fast food restaurant or a low pay job to get students to work. Working while going to school might be a step of growing up and paying bills, but working actually impacts student’s education Fast food industries just want student’s to work but working in this low skill job there is not really a big benefit that you can get out of it. In the essay by Amitai Etzioni: "Working at McDonald's", states a variety of strong points on why students should not work and continue to get an education instead of dropping out and working at a fast food restaurant forever. As
First College students should not work while going to school because there is no time. In College you already have no time for anything. Adding a job you can say goodbye to a few essential things. Like for instance school you have less time to do things for your classes. Studying is a main thing for school and ...
Education one receives after high school is the most important type of schooling anyone could receive. It helps with your future career, matures you, and teaches you vital life skills that no one else could discipline you on. So, it is crucial that you go to a good college to receive those opportunities. Some may think that going off to a four year university or state school is where they can get their future degree. Which is not a terrible thing, but there are alternatives, like going to a community college. Many people fail to realize that attending a junior college could be more beneficial towards them than a traditional university. Teenagers are stuck on the idea of a real college experience and do not put the other factors into consideration when it comes to deciding They do not think about the money, the distance, and for some, even the education that is offered. A community college could help with all of those problems. Attending a two year college could be more beneficial because it is more affordable, you have smaller classes, and it would be easy to transfer to another school.
Every year thousands of students throughout the world spend their last year of high school applying to college to decide what will be the right choice in furthering their education. While a wide variety of students decide to proceed straight into college others would prefer to have a gap year. A gap year is when students take a year off from the school. Students who graduate from high school should take a year off before starting a new chapter in life, therefore the gap year can allow the student to take a break from school, and add excessive time to decide what career to excel in. The student should not take a gap year unless the student is sure of what career to pursue in. A significant amount of people would disagree with having a gap year
There are many reasons as to why going directly to work is the best choice. The most common is the spending problem. College puts you tens of thousands of dollars in debt. That debt could double
“One of the disadvantages of being a student while holding a job is that they are often short on time and commonly find themselves with limited time to study.” Students who have a job don’t have time to study when they get home from school because they have to leave right away or soon after to go to work. Then they are too tired to do any school work when they get home from work. “In addition, working more than 30 hours a week during high school was associated with lower levels of future education attainment.” Students who work a large number of hours a week have less motivation to accomplish higher levels of academics.
The major aspect of the work-study program is the lower tuition rates given to the working student. As the student starts school and experience the tough workload they are faced with the option to work. This may seem overwhelming and too much for a first year student. What the student doesn’t realize is how much the program helps with their future. The student will have different responsibilities with their job, which will mimic situations that will come up in their career.