God's Creation Paper

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God's Creation Paper
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” (Gen 1:1 KJV). There continues to be the ongoing debate between the creationists and the naturalistic as to how the beginning of creation happened. The creationists hold the biblical account of all creation and the naturalists believe creation evolved.
From a biblical perspective the Bible provides the answers the question of who the creator of creation. The Book of Genesis beginning in chapter one verses 1 through 31 states the fact that God spoke creation into existence. The Bible confirms itself by providing many scriptures to confirm the fact of God. It is written in Col 1:16(KJV) “For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in …show more content…

And in Psalms 19:1 (KJV), “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.”
Not only do the scriptures tell us who but they tell us what was created and why they were created. The Bible makes it clear that God created the heavens, the universe, the solar system, and the total composition of the stars, galaxies, meteors, meteorites, and everything that continues to mystify man today. God created the Earth and the inhabitants of it. In the creation of the Earth, truths about creation are being revealed that point to the fact of God. God created things visible and invisible to man’s naked eye such as microscopic life forms.
God in His creation of the Earth made it inhabitable for man by creating a physical environment conducive for man’s existence but not only for man’s existence but also for the existence of all life forms. Animals, plants, insects, microscopic life, bacteria and the like all exist in Earth’s atmosphere. Hydrosphere, atmosphere, and geosphere provide water, life-giving gases, and soil that support the growth of …show more content…

Tarbuck & Lutgens, authors of our textbook, present the reader with an uniformitarian perspective on geology (pp. 324-326). There was so much more that I was unfamiliar with such as all the science that scientist uncovered from their studies and research. Though there are differences as to how creation came about, there is still plenty of knowledge gained from the efforts and hard work from men who gave their lives so that mankind would be all the better for it. The science that went into developing instruments for testing purposes, for exploration, and to further research efforts to answer the mysteries of creation continues to be in the hearts and minds of people that God

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