God's Creation

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Today we are continuing with our Creedal Series and we are onto maker of heaven and earth. Somehow I drew the short straw and got this immense topic. I had to keep reminding myself the purpose of this series is that we understand what is in the Creeds so that when we say them we believe them and comprehend them. Often in the church we take things for granted and regurgitate phrases without understanding the roots of what we are saying and what we are committing to. Somehow I don’t think I have to go into what creator of heaven and earth means but to help our entire community understand that even with all the advances in understanding of the world and in the world of science this is as true as when it was written over 1400 hundred years ago.

We live in a society where some say you need to check your brain at the church door or that science is our enemy. We have nothing to fear from science and dare I say that certain aspects of evolution can be true and at the same time God is still God and the Bible is still relevant and true. First, let me start with saying that there are numerous scientists, physists, astronomers, and even molecular biologists, who believe in God being the creator of heaven and earth. Learning about the world around us has not taken away their belief in God. Studying what makes up the earth and the world only helps them to see that their is some element that is behind it all, one that they may not be able to see, or touch, but would be needed to create order out of all that is.


Francis Collins heads of the US side of the Human Genome Project, the group that mapped human DNA, he is a firm believer in a personal God, even if evolution occurred. As a matter of fact the more he studied human DNA...

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...ther we evolved, whether we came from apes. The fact that this part of the Creed addresses that God is the Creator of heaven and earth. Nothing in science has disproved this fact. Can we wrap our heads around that and celebrate Gods Awesome creation. If we can than we can focus on the real meaning of Christianity.

The real meaning has nothing to do with creation stories and everything to do with Gods love as demonstrated most profoundly in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We are building up to this as we continue on in the Creedal series.

Let us live taking a little more time appreciating God’s beauty around us that proves God takes great care in providing. Then we can reach out to others and help them understand how the world proves that God cares for us and that they can firmly believe God is creator of heaven and earth. Let us pray.

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