God Gave Life and Only God Can Take it Away

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God Gave Life and Only God Can Take it Away

I agree that only God who created all life has the right to take it

away. Firstly, I believe that all Christians and not just some believe

that all human life is sacred. The belief in the sanity of life is a

very important element of the Christian faith. Some Christians may

believe that because God gave life, he alone has the right to take it

away. This comes from Genesis 2:7, 'Then the Lord God formed man from

the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of

life; and the man became a living being.'

I therefore believe that issues such as abortion and Euthanasia are

wrong. This is because they destroy God's gift. 'You shall not kill by

abortion the fruit of the womb, and you shall not murder the infant

already born.' This document shows that even from a very long time ago

Christians believed that abortion was wrong and were against it.

Christians consider that even the unborn child in the womb was

considered an 'infant already born.' This shows that the majority of

Christians believe that God alone has the right to make decisions

about the end and beginnings of one's life. I believe that it is at

conception that life truly begins well before the actual birth. Even

though the foetus does not resemble a baby it is a living being with

it's own rights as a potential person. One of the strongest quotes in

the bible suggests this in Psalm 139: 13 and 15, 'you created every

part of me; you put me in my mothers womb… When I was growing there in

secret, you knew that I was there you saw me before I was born.' This

Psalm is one of the clearest arguments for Christians showing that

abortion is morally wrong. This would be seen as murder because you

are killing what God has created, and only he has the right to take a


On the other hand some people say life is not a gift from God and

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