GMO labeling is important because there is uncertainty in the safety of GMOs, which indicates a need for long term monitoring, therefore labels are needed to facilitate monitoring by the scientific community and diagnosis by healthcare professionals. The point being made here is that, while the technology of GMO appears to be safe and has been in use commercially for nearly 20 years, it is nonetheless prudent to watch for problems (Dahl). In their scholarly article titled “’Does Contain’ vs. ‘Does Not Contain’; Does it Matter which GMO Label is Used?”, John Crespi and Stephan Marette quote statistics showing that “…21% of Americans feel that GM foods pose ‘serious safety risks’…”, and that the percentages for European nations range from 30% …show more content…
to 65% (328). These statistics show that the general public is definitely uncertain about the safety of GMOs. Looking a little deeper, we find that doctors and scientists are concerned too. Doug Gurian-Sherman, senior scientist for the Union of Concerned Scientists said, “I know dozens, personally, of scientists from all kinds of backgrounds … who have serious questions about [GMO] technology” (qtd in Ball). And finally, a reference that is representative of the global community’s social and political position on GMOs. In June of 2014, Dr. George Amofah, General Secretary of the Ghana Public Health Association, published recommendations regarding the use of GMOs in the country of Ghana. Amofah identifies, among others, increased incidence of allergies, “…increasing trends of organ disease and GMOs use,” and the concern that there is a “Potential for unpredictable, unintended mutations in the organism with consequential medico-legal events” (118). The safety of GMOs is unpredictable, and that’s why it can never be proven. Is this an exaggeration? No. Is this the only thing that could go wrong? No. Since their safety is unpredictable, genetically modified organisms need to be watched. The importance of GMO labeling for the purpose of monitoring becomes apparent, as is confirmed by Amofah as he continues, “All GMOs must be appropriately labeled as such for informed choice and to facilitate post-market monitoring of any health effects” (118). These global concerns are echoed by Michael Hansen, a senior staff scientist at the Consumers Union, in Richard Dahl’s Environmental Health Perspectives article for the National Institutes for Health as he emphasizes the importance of labeling for monitoring. This is likely the most important reason to support labeling of GMOs. In order to watch GMOs, they need to be labeled so scientists, doctors, and consumers can know where they are. In the long run, monitoring GMO safety for health and environmental issues is essential. Monitoring for safety is greatly hindered when labeling is absent. With accurate labeling of GMOs, scientists and doctors can more capably watch for problems and then will be able to respond to them more appropriately. It is time for the FDA to implement mandatory federal GMO labeling standards to facilitate monitoring of GMOs in the environment and health care. It is important that the FDA expeditiously implement mandatory federal labeling standards for GMO products and foods to relieve the states from having to make and defend their own labeling laws. This is important to the general public because if the people and the states must, in the absence of federal standards, make their own labeling laws, it will result in a tremendous expense in both time and money on our legislative system. “There are currently 84 bills on GMO labeling in 29 states, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures …” (Ball). If the FDA were to make federal standards for mandatory GMO labeling, then the states would not have to make their own. That would save a lot of time and money for the states. Unfortunately the FDA appears not to have taken the people’s desire for labeling seriously up to this point. The people can’t make the FDA take action because the system doesn’t work that way, but what they can do is put initiatives on their states ballots to implement labeling laws at the state level. Until the FDA takes action, the people will continue to bring more state legislation forward. Their efforts at the state level are already becoming more successful and have passed in three states recently (Ball). Beyond the hassle of designing and petitioning for ballot initiatives lies the expense and time required to defend the laws, from opposition, once they are enacted. “[Vermont’s governor] Shumlin told me he expects the law to survive, noting that in anticipation of just such litigation lawmakers included $1.5 million in funding to defend the law in court” (Ball). State after state will have to do similar work to serve the needs and desires of their constituents. In another effort to block GMO labeling, opponents have proposed legislation to make it illegal for the states to enact GMO labeling legislation (Ball). It is time for the FDA to take the concerns of the people and their state legislatures seriously and move forward in implementing federal standards for mandatory GMO labeling. It is important to label GMOs in order to promote an environment of trust and cooperation with the global community. When the U.S. ships its GMO crops to other nations can’t verify or doesn’t properly disclose that they are genetically modified organisms it creates anger, fear and distrust for U.S. trade because the U.S. is not being respectful of the labeling concerns of its trading partners. This is important because, “At least 64 countries have established some form of mandatory labeling” (Byrne, Pendell, and Graff). It is time for the United States to be more considerate of the concerns of the countries it trades with and move forward with GMO labeling. It is important for the FDA to implement mandatory federal labeling standards for GMO products and foods because federal standards will be much more acceptable to the food industry and grocers than a hodgepodge of legislation from individual states.
Ball reports, “In the wake of Vermont and other state efforts, the food industry … is clearly panicked by the potential for a 50-state patchwork of conflicting labeling requirements that could force manufacturers to package, say, potato chips differently from one state to another. (An estimated 60 to 70 percent of processed foods contain GMOs).” The food industry does not want labeling requirements to be implemented at the state level because it will be difficult to comply if the laws are different in each state. It makes a lot of sense for the food industry and grocers to have a federal standard to meet rather than trying to accommodate different laws in each state. In a report titled “GMO Labeling Gains Steam Across United States”, published by Quality Progress, Scott Faber, executive director of Just Label It, a national advocacy campaign says, “It’s simply a matter of time” until federal labeling standards come, because he believes the food industry will prefer that to a plethora of state regulations (qtd in GMO). Also in “GMO Labeling Gains Steam” it is reported that the opposition claims that consumer prices could rise as much as $400 a year just to add labels or swap ingredients for one state, California. Because there will be more work involved in following many various state labeling laws, it will be much more expensive for the food industry to comply to state laws rather than federal laws. It is time for the FDA to implement federal labeling standards to protect the food industry from having to comply with complexities, and possibly conflicts, in accommodating a variety of state GMO labeling laws, thereby minimizing labeling costs that are ultimately passed on to
consumers. It is important that the FDA implement federal GMO labeling standards because in some ways it’s better for GMO supporters too. Ball reports, “Monsanto blames itself for some of the antagonism to GMOs” due to a lack of engagement and transparency. Since a lack of engagement and transparency is part of the problem, then it follows that a lack of labels could be part of the problem. It makes sense for GMO supporters to look forward to better acceptance of their products through consistent labeling and consumer education. And in the article “Agriculture Has To Redefine The Conversation About GMOs", by Elton Robinson, in an interview with David R. Just, co-director, Cornell Center for Behavioral Economics in Child Nutrition Programs, Robinson tells us that the stigma on GMOs is growing in the United States as it did in Europe and that if the agriculture industry would communicate better with consumers, that trend could be reversed. Here is the best suggestion for improving the GMO situation in the long run. Educating consumers about the benefits of GMOs will make them more acceptable. Labeling GMOs will let people know to what extent they are already benefiting from them. Labeling GMOs will give people a chance to accept them on their own terms. It is time for the FDA to let people of the United States know where the GMOs are in their food so that they can come to understand and accept them and to promote a more positive conversation about GMOs. The opposition’s primary objection to labeling is that it would be confusing to consumers. In a disparate article “Labels for GMO Foods Are a Bad Idea”, published in Scientific American, their position is that, “Instead of providing people with useful information, mandatory GMO labels would only intensify the misconception that so-called Frankenfoods endanger people's health.” This position is not necessarily correct because it is contrary to data that shows that people are more likely to accept GMOs if they know more about them (Byrne, Pendell, and Graff). Sometime in the past the food industry seems to have determined that it was somehow better, and therefore became commonplace in the United States, to hide GMOs rather than discuss and accept them. That thinking has backfired and is no longer valid (Robinson). It is time for the food industry to put an effort into educating people, and stop hiding GMOs. GMO labeling is important for many reasons and the most cost effective and efficient way to implement standardized labeling is for the FDA to move forward, develop, and publish federal GMO labeling standards. It is also important to educate people about the risks, benefits, and technology behind GMOs. In June of 2012, the American Medical Association (AMA) made policy urging “government, industry, consumer advocacy groups, and the scientific and medical communities to educate the public and improve the availability of unbiased information … on bioengineered food” (Dahl). Our world is changing. GMOs are not going away. Their use will most likely increase in the years to come. We need to be wise when making decisions about the food we eat, how we care for our environment, how we deal with increasing population, and climate change. The sooner we all get on board with GMO labeling, the sooner we will grow to understand them and be able to make informed choices concerning best practices for our future.
Food is an essential part of everyday life without it one could not survive. Every day we make choices on what we put in to our bodies. There are countless varieties of food to choose from to meet the diverse tastes of the increasing population. Almost all food requires a label explaining the ingredients and the nutritional value allowing consumers to make informed decisions on what they are consuming. However, many may not be considering where that food is coming from or how it has been produced. Unfortunately, there is more to food than meets the eye. Since 1992, “ the U.S. Food and Drug Administration ruled, based on woefully limited data, that genetically modified foods were ‘substantially equivalent’ to their non-GM counterparts” (Why to Support Labeling). GM food advocates have promised to create more nutritious food that will be able to grow in harsh climate conditions and eventually put an end to world hunger in anticipation of the growing population. There is very little evidence to support these claims and study after study has proven just the opposite. GM crops are not only unsafe to consume, but their growing practices are harmful to the environment, and multinational corporations are putting farmers out of business.
A very valid point brought up by Clause (Say ‘no’), Hemphill, and Banerjee (both G.M.O. and the U.S.), is that consumers already have an easy and effective option to steer clear from GMOs: buying organic products. Through Hemphill’s and Banerjee’s article, we are informed that United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) “presently offers an organic certification for crops and processed food products, which by definition prohibits the use of GMO ingredients” (Page 455-466). This is certainly a label that has the ability to help concerned customers know exactly what they are eating. The co-authors call this solution the “Voluntary Labeling Strategy.” There is, however, one issue with this: not all products that don't contain GMOs qualify as organic. The resolution lies in an upcoming proposal from the U.S. Food and Drug administration (FDA). It's called “Voluntary Guidelines” and it allows, but doesn't force, GMO-free products to display a label of their own. I believe that this is a much smarter option than labeling every item containing GMOs because it is not binding by law, which would provide consumers with all of the benefits they need to choose the right foods for their preferences, while saving on all of the unnecessary extra costs discussed
A non-GMO label doesn’t necessarily mean “healthy”. White sugar, flour, and processed ingredients if not genetically modified are considered non GMO. Recently Cheerios made their ingredients GMO free. This label made Cheerios seems as a “healthy conscience choice” when in fact they are not healthy at all. The truth is that this breakfast cereal is highly processed and is best to be avoided despite the “healthy halo” of being approved by the National Heart Association and GMO free. The truth appears on the nutrition label and the ingredients (Wartman). “If you can’t pronounce it, don’t buy it” The voluntary labeling places a burden on the consumer. The average Americans are forced to navigate confusing and cluttered food landscape” (Wartman). A mandatory labeling law is vital to give clear and concise information to citizens.
GMO`s are starting to rapidly take over our food supply, but what exactly is a GMO? A GMO is a make up of DNA that is combined forcefully with a plant or animals DNA, and creates a new version of it. Seeing these products sold in stores for the first time people question what the change is from the natural, and organics, because when someone reads GMO they wonder if it is healthy and safe to consume.
Until the government creates mandates for issuing labels on foods that contain genetically modified ingredients, there are measures that can be taken by common citizens and supporters of GMO labeling in order to keep Americans safe in the meantime. Since “study after study points to potential health risks” (“Whole Foods Market”), supporters need to raise awareness amongst the rest of society in order to generate a large group that can begin to press the government to create a law to handle the issue. It is in “the state’s interest [to] protect consumers from false or potentially misleading communication or prevent consumers from suffering unwitting harms” (Adler). Moreover, the government must be the one to put an official end to the lack of
Not many people have heard about GMOs, heaven knows Elena didn’t. The truth is even though you haven’t heard of them, you have probably eaten GMO foods at some point in your life. From being called frankenfood, to maybe ending hunger in certain countries, GMOs have many benefits and many drawbacks. Whether or not you are pro GMO or say no to GMOs, you have to know what they are first.
GMOs has been around for nearly 50 years. It is something that has emerged itself within our lifestyles and become something that appear in our daily lives, whether it’s on the shelf in grocery shops or on your plate right know; GMOs can be found almost anywhere. However, although the production of GMOs have certainly increased over the years, opinions on it has differed. Some people have come to believe it is dangerous for our health, while other people has stated the exact opposite. Something that
Bronner’s raised in 1.15 million dollars to support food labeling. Unfortunately, supporters of the cause are greatly outnumbered by their opponents. Monsanto raised four million dollars in opposition to mandate labeling. In spite of the supporters passionate efforts, GMO labeling most likely would not be the solution that activists and consumers are looking for. “Approximately ⅔ of the foods and beverages we buy and consume would be exempt. Meat and dairy products would be exempt even if they come from animals raised on GMO feed and grain. All alcoholic beverages, food for immediate consumption served in restaurants and other institutions would also be exempt, even if they contain GMO ingredients” (Review Of Proposition). With laws like these, information on GMOs that affect the majority of the people that care about taking these precautions will not be available. The facts that the labeling laws will mandate will be so vague that they will not provide anymore information than companies that label their product with non-GMO or organic. Any label mandated product under Proposition 105 would not have to inform the consumer of what percentage of the product was genetically modified and what ingredients in the food were genetically modified (Review of
Did you know the food that you could be eating right now can be harmful to you? The food that you eat daily can contain GMOs that can contain things that can cause you to have allergies and even cause you to get cancer sometimes. GM crops can be harmful and dangerous for you. Another reason why GM crops are inadequate is because it can decrease biodiversity of plants and crops, and it can destroy rare species of plants. It can harm organisms that you might not mean to kill. Some people may say that GM crops can stop world hunger. IT WILL NOT! Research shows that some GM crops can not meet the nutritional needs of a human being. It will also not help solve world hunger because some GM crops need many resources to be able for them to produce into healthy crops and poor farmers don’t have much resources.
Products sold in Oregon that contain GMOs should be clearly labeled so consumers can make healthy and informed choices on the foods they decide to purchase. The use of GMOs in foods has drastically risen in the United States. The Non-GMO Project, a non-profit organization supports this by saying, “In the U.S., GMOs are in as much as 80% of conventional processed food”(Non-GMO Project). I decided to go shopping to try and find as many products as I could that were labeled GMO-free, I only found one product labeled GMO-free.... ...
In the U.S., GM foods have received little public opposition; this is largely due to the fact that food manufacturers are not required to label their products as containing genetically modified ingredients for fear of confusing consumers. Due to the lack of evidence that genetically altered foods are harmful, the Food and Drug Administration considers GM foods to be “generally regarded as safe” (known as GRAS) and no special labeling is required (Falkner 103). In the U.S., genetically modified crops are monitored by t...
The GMO it is always a topical theme, on television, on radio, in newspapers, often we talk about this topic so debated and even painful contrast. But before expressing their own opinion and their own thinking, we must understand what it means and what are GMOs. The abbreviation GMO is the achromic of terms: genetically modified organisms. This are non-human organisms whose genetic material has been altered by genetic engineering techniques. The first GMO of the modern era, was obtained from S. N. Cohen and H. Boyer that were able to clone a frog gene. GMOs are produced through biotechnological processes. Biotechnology are techniques that exploit the properties of both plant and animal cells to produce new varieties of plants or animals. Biotechnology is not an invention of recent decades. Simply the process of fermentation of the wine, which is achieved by exploiting some bacteria, is a biotechnology process known since ancient times.
GMOs can also bear consequences in terms of genetic pollution and alteration, from contamination and mutation to adaptation to evolution to species extinction. Indeed, some claims are not well supported and may require testing, like genetic alteration through consumption or the validity of correlating animal health deficits with GM feeds. However, overall, GM foods clearly affect the world negatively in terms of biodiversity and ecosystem impacts. With all of the controversy surrounding GMO foods: health versus biodiversity; benefits versus dangers; pros versus cons, a topic that always arises is the subject of labeling. Labeling has been a matter of discussion for years and surprisingly, it is a hot debate that is still full of life.
. If the movement of people, food, and manufactured goods can have such a negative impact on public health, should steps be taken to reduce these flows? What other options are there for lowering the spread of global diseases?
...M crops will escalate the cost of farming, causing many small farmers to potentially loose their businesses. As GMOs continue to affect human life and the environment, it should be mandatory for products to be labeled if they are genetically modified, thus giving consumers the right to make their own decision. With the list of health risks and environmental issues rising, the use of GMOs should be banned as a method to increase food supply and continue a natural approach to eliminate all risks.