Glory: Leading the First All-Black Troop in Civil War

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In the movie “Glory”, it took place during the American Civil War. It talked about how Colonel Shaw was the one of the first to lead an all African American troop. He was to lead them, and train them to be ready to fight in combat. Even though many didn’t like the idea, Shaw took the initiative forward. He wasn’t judging them for the color of the skin but by the type of adroitness that they were able to acquire in fighting in the Civil War. Throughout the whole movie all of the white officials didn’t want to accept that an all-black regiments were able to fight during the war causing many disruptions. They theorize that it was inappropriate for them to fight, because they were seen as subordinate and weren’t up to the specifications that the …show more content…

It is a story between black and white men who learned and grew together. They all learned that they shouldn’t acquiesce differences to stop them and that they should all be treated equally, because they are going to fight for the same thing “Freedom”. The death of Colonel Shaw allowed them to join forces between white and black allowing them to take charge and fight for him. During the fight against the other soldiers at Fort Wagner some of the other officers saw that the all black regiment knew how to take charge when Colonel Shaw. They showed all their potential towards the fight so Shaw’s death wouldn’t be in vain. Everyone in the movie ended up changing their thoughts on the black regiment crew and were grateful for their service to America. This opened up their minds and created a lot of consignees for the African American. After the war was done all the officers knew that the black regiment was one of the most important groups that they needed to actually win the war. They didn’t allow differences between each other near the end because even they knew that it was dumb in fighting just because of the color of your skin. Later on at the end they weren’t so oblivious to obtaining black troops into the war. They have created a new way that we will scrutinize the people of color later on in the future. They showed us the empowerment that we have as a whole and change a

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