Globalization: MaDonal

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MaDonal is a restaurant that was discovered and is located in a Kurdish town in northern Iraq. The restaurant shares many similarities to the North American fast food chain, MacDonald, in both the outlook and the menu. An example of such similarity is the very popular “Big Macs” of McDonalds which is known as “Big Macks” at the MaDonal restaurant. MaDonal was founded by Suleiman Quassab an Iranian who because of a conflict with the Saddam Hussein government was forced to flee and become a refugee in Vienna. In Vienna, Qussab worked as a cook in McDonalds and believed that he should bring the same sort of stability and prosperity he had witnessed in Vienna back to Iraq, by opening McDonald franchise in the country. However, his request was denied due to the rising conflict and the economic permit imposed during the regime of Saddam Hussein. His main goal was to open the real McDonalds in spite of his current restaurant being threatened by suicide bombers as they fear a culture alteration. In the case of MaDonal cultural globalization is reflected. This is because there is a gradual harmonization of the world’s cultures. People in Iraq are able to experience the same type of food and culture that people all around the world do when they eat at a McDonald restaurant. There is also economical, sociological, and geographical globalizations involved in MaDonal’s case. Economical because countries will want to trade with other countries that match the standard of living as any country with a large and rich enough middle class to afford a meal, thus the country of Iraq will attain more trade partners as they become more stable (economically and politically). Consequently, the country will be able to globalize and develop. There are also ...

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...nancially as well as politically globalized. McDonalds has a ripple effect as it serves more than one purpose to the country. It allows the country to be globalized. It represents a common interest in one area (North America) spreading throughout the world.

Works Cited

"Big MacCurrencies." The Economist. The Economist Newspaper, 11 Apr. 1998. Web. 24 Feb. 2014. .
St. Rosemary Educational Institution. "McDonald’s Globalization: Golden Arches, Big Mac Index, MaDonal." Last Update: 2014. Web. Wednesday 26th February 2014. mac-index-madonal/.

"What Is the Golden Arches Theory of Conflict Prevention?" CBSNews. CBS Interactive, n.d. Web. 25 Feb. 2014. .

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