Globalization Essay

649 Words2 Pages

Taylor Osmundson
Introduction to Global Studies
Critical Thinking Paper 1
February 20th, 2014

The tag on my shirt reads “Made in Taiwan,” my pants were made in Venezuela, and my cell phone was manufactured in China. Someone may ask, “How am I driving a car in the United States that was put together in Germany?” The answer is globalization. Products are made and sold across the globe due to globalization. Through modern technology advances, globalization allows countries thousands of miles away from each other to be right next-door, hypothetically. Organizations, people, and companies from all around the world can collaborate ideas and work together with. This is not a new concept. People have been traveling across mass distances to trade products for centuries. However, with the developments that globalization offer, people can exchange goods and insights faster and more efficiently than ever before possible, with minimum effort or financial commitment. Modern communication, such as cell phones, and new technology, like the Internet, are a few of the factors that are advancing globalization at a rapid pace. Globalization is growing quickly and benefitting our world in many ways, both big and small.
There are several reasons why globalization is impacting our world in a positive way. For instance, it is allowing developing countries to succeed economically by opening them up to new jobs and opportunities and bringing more money into developing countries. These countries also have more access to recent and updated technology, and are able to take advantage of the benefits that technology presents. Those who are against globalization could argue that creating more jobs in developing countries is leading to larger unemp...

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...unce. With the click of a button and an occasional small shipping fee, I can get a cuckoo clock assembled in a German factory by a German factory worker delivered right to my door in just a few days. That’s globalization.
Steger would support me in saying that globalization is a rapidly spreading phenomenon, which cannot and will not be stopped. With the many benefits that globalization provides, this is a definitely a good thing. The ability to easily communicate and collaborate with businesses and organizations worldwide has lead and will continue to lead developing countries in the right direction, towards financial and economic stability. Global market competition will force out new and innovative ideas, and keep prices at a reasonable and stable rate. Most importantly, the world has more choices with the advancement of globalization, and everyone loves choices.

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