Global Warming Persuasive Speech

470 Words1 Page


By:Lane Allen Brady

 Do you believe in global warming? Well if not let me try and persuade you. Did you see that polar bear on the title page well that happened because of global warming. Well i bet you're wondering how in the world did my bad choices affect that polar bear well let me tell you how. How global warming affects animals. Global warming effects arctic animals because the heat from the hole in the ozone layer Melt the ice which is the habitat for the animals. Global warming also gets rid of the food supply for polar bears and any type of animal that eats fish because of the major rise and heat the fish die. Global warming affects rainforests worldwide through shifts in rainfall patterns. Less rain is falling over many of the world’s rainforests, and droughts are becoming more common, a development that affects the growth of vegetation and creates a risk of wildfires that destroy vast expanses of desiccated rain forest. ( Marine animals affected by global warming include plankton - which forms the basis of marine food chains - corals, fish, polar …show more content…

Collectively, cars and trucks account for nearly one-fifth of all US emissions, emitting around 24 pounds of carbon dioxide and other global-warming gases for every gallon of gas. About five pounds comes from the extraction, production, and delivery of the fuel, while the great bulk of heat-trapping emissions—more than 19 pounds per gallon—comes right out of a car’s tailpipe.( Burning fossil fuels is also a really big cause in global warming.Burning coal,gasoline etc. because these thing when we burn them they go up into the atmosphere and cause a hole in the ozone layer. That hole in the ozone layer causes earth's temperature to rise. Now one of the smallest things that cause global warming is wild fires sometimes we cause them but sometimes we

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