Global Mental Health Movement

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The Movement for Global Mental Health is a union of individuals and organizations that work together to strive for refining services for people living with mental health problems, as well as psychosocial disabilities across the world. According to, this movement began in 2007 with a Call for Action published in the first Lancet series on global mental health. This movement mainly aims to assist impoverished countries where essential services are many times scant. Scientific evidence of effective treatments and human rights are highly reinforced within this movement because they are the fundamentals. Individuals and organizations that are involved within this movement are offered many benefits such as opportunities to network …show more content…

Another example from this movement along with their goal to improve services, they aim to promote mental well being. The barrier here is the unawareness of mental disabilities, from my experience being taught about disabilities, mental disorders were always overlooked. This barrier was constructed by the proportion of society that believes that disability is something physical rather than mental. The Movement for Global Mental Health strives to break these barriers through their movement with the support of many individuals and organizations that are involved. Unfortunately across the world there is a chasm in treatment for individuals living with mental disorders, this movement focuses more on the populations where these chasms are substantially immense. These populations lie within poverty in various countries around the world where essential services are not always available. One of the pivotal foundations of this movement is human rights, under Article 19 of The Convention of Human Rights of Persons with Disabilities also known as CRPD, “equal right of all persons with disabilities to live in the community, with choices equal to others, and shall take effective and appropriate measures to facilitate full enjoyment by persons with disabilities of this right..” From what I understood from lecture, this article ensures that services for the community as well as for the general population are equally accessible for people …show more content…

Many communities have a propensity of involving and expecting disabled individuals to participate in the daily activities of a specific culture, when in reality most of them can not due to their disability. The establishment of services such as rehabilitation centers in various communities across the world have come face to face with resistance. The outcome of this resistance has been the deviation of assistant being utilized for making services available to disabled people, especially in communities living in poverty. With proper assistance being absent, people with disabilities will continuously receive deficit rehabilitation services, education, and training for the workforce. With the support and teamwork of individuals and organizations from diverse backgrounds, The Movement for Global Mental Health seeks to close the chasm in treatment for individuals with a mental disability living in impoverished countries and provide adequate services for them. This movement will have a huge impact not only on countries who need these services but for others that don’t, they will become aware of these issues because the mental illness community continues to remain as one of the the most vulnerable and neglected community in societies all around the

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