Glimpses of Heaven

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Glimpses of Heaven Imagine one day you decided to take up the battle of the bulge. The unsightly, soft, squishy extra pounds of fat you have been carrying around for the past ten to fifteen years finally drive you to do something. Back in your younger years, you were a runner. Gliding almost effortlessly over miles of sun warmed asphalt, natural endorphins giving you the feeling that all is right in the world. The stresses of marriage, children, and bills have kept you away from that feeling for years. Too many movies with extra butter popcorn, too many warm, ooey gooey brownies, and that super soft, cozy couch calling your name. Well, you have decided that now is the time for a change. Digging through the rear of your closet, you find your old trusty pair of running shoes. This will be great, you think to yourself as you dust them off, and grunt with effort while trying to lace them up. Odd, you don’t remember it being that hard to get them on, but back then your belly wasn’t in the way either. With music blaring from tiny earbuds crammed into your ears, you are off. Heading down the road from your house. You have mapped out a two mile loop for yourself, figuring two miles would be plenty hard enough to start with. Every step is pure agony, your muscles, or lack there of, are screaming in protest. Struggling to take each ragged breath, you feel as if your chest is on fire. Pure will power is all that is forcing you forward. This running stuff is harder that you remembered. Only half of a mile has gone by, and you are already seeing stars from lack of oxygen. Suddenly there is the most intense, searing pain in your chest. You start to grab at your shirt, but the blackness is already closing in. Your body falls limp on the s... ... middle of paper ... Experiences and the Temporal Lobe." Psychological Science (Wiley-Blackwell) 15.4 (2004): 254-258. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 28 Mar. 2011. Gefter, Amanda. "The light in the tunnel." New Scientist 208.2792/2793 (2010): 03. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 28 Mar. 2011. Kotler, Steven. "Extreme States." Discover 26.7 (2005): 60-67. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 28 Mar. 2011. Morse, Donald R. "NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCES: MODERN EXAMINATION, DEFINITION, HISTORICAL PRECEDENTS, PERSONAL, TYPES, USUAL STAGES, CASES, RESEARCH, POSSIBLE EXPLANATIONS." Proceedings (Academy of Religion & Psychical Research) (2004): 113-132. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 28 Mar. 2011. Nemri, Karin. "FROM HELL TO HEALTH TO HARMONY: MY STORY." Journal of Spirituality & Paranormal Studies 30.(2007): 23-31. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 28 Mar. 2011.

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