Glass Menagerie Essay

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The Glass Menagerie tells the story of the Wingfield family and their method of escape from the common world. Amanda, Tom, and Laura who were abandoned by their husband and father Jim Wingfield have to deal with the struggle of sharing a small apartment together. Tom who tells the story explains his memory of living the apartment with his mother and sister. Tom provides for himself, his mother, and sister while wishing he could leave and go on adventures. Amanda is constantly stuck on the pass of her having gentlemen callers and making the decision of choosing her children’s father. Laura has to deal with her disability, in which her mother fails to realize that something is wrong with her. Each member deal with their own problems and not being …show more content…

This is why she relates herself to the unicorn, because it is unique like her. When she soon began to open up from her shelter life, Jim breaks the news that he is engaged, causing Laura to revert into her cripple phase.

Jim O’Connor He is a simple and ordinary person and seemed out of place with the other characters. Jim was presented as the long waited gentlemen caller coming to sweep Laura away. He is the only one who gets inside Laura’s secret world. He remembers Laura from high school, because he gave her the nickname “Blue Roses.” He did not understand her when she said she had Pleurisies. Jim tried to escape his feelings for Laura, because he was too busy playing high school hero and he was hiding his own emotions. He knows he has not lived up to his goals he planned for after high school, but he is not depressed about it. He looks to the future with positive thoughts. I think of him as being considerate, because he wanted to understand were Tom and Laura were coming from.
The Glass Menagerie focuses a lot on Tennessee Williams’ life. He began writing to escape a world where he did not feel comfortable. This relates a lot to Laura, because her disability made her uncomfortable. It also relate to Tom, because his poetry writing helps him to escape from desperation from working in the warehouse and dealing with the nagging of his mother

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