Girls Not Brides: The Harrowing Loss Of Child Marriage

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The unrelenting damage for a young girl who is married prematurely is the harrowing loss of vital education. According to Executive Director of ‘Girls Not Brides’ Babatunde Osotimehin,“Child marriage is an appalling violation of human rights and robs girls of their education, health and long-term prospects… A girl who is married as a child is one whose potential will not be fulfilled.” India faces immense poverty, where a huge vast of the population is struck with a lack of resources available and overwhelming economic gaps within the Indian social structure. Disturbing statistics show that within India, 47 percent of all Indian children are married before they are 18, despite laws enforcing the legal age for women to be 18 and men 21. Due …show more content…

Becoming a victim of child marriage at the age of 13, Loveness was married to 21-year-old Akesh, despite wishes to remain with her family. Becoming pregnant at the age of 14, Loveness was heartbroken when she discovered she would not be able to attend school. “What I think of my future is that without education I wont have any future at all. My life will always be filled with struggle.” Forbidding her freedom, she is now living with her new responsibilities of home duties and raising her new baby. The previous luxury to learn new skills that could increase her income and raise her family out of poverty has now been shattered. Similar to Loveness’ journey, becoming wedded prematurely intrinsically terminates the child’s innocence and childhood abruptly, as they are forced into an adult lifestyle detached from their family and home. The emotional and physical ramifications of this are devastating; young girls who have been emotionally blackmailed into forced marriage face significant adversities in mental health development. Furthermore, young girls who wish to break free of marriage are left to seek a future without a support network, insufficient funds and no life skills or education to advance within the community. Those who wish to seek an annulment or voice discontent within their marriage have experienced beatings, killings and multitudes of shame, commonly from their family, husband and society. Annulling the marriage would provide the child with a new existence, however, due to her lack of education, illiteracy and extreme poverty, the widowed or divorced wife is highly open to exploitation and is virtually left isolated from

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