Girls And Gangs

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Girls and Gangs Research Paper
Eric Brooks
Gangs (CJC 352)
April 15, 2016

Girls in gangs are often misunderstood because of the fact that there is such a vague definition of who is really considered a gang member, or even just simply gang involved. For example even girlfriends of male gang members would obviously be considered to at least be associated with the gang but how do we know they aren?t gang members themselves? It is factors like this that can make it truly difficult to accurately estimate how involved females really are in gangs. Although it is fair to say that female?s involvement in gangs is generally less than that of their male counterparts, but to what extent? The study of girls in gangs is a relatively new research …show more content…

Taking in consideration of the factors discussed earlier that influence young girls into seeking out means of protection, we run into the indication of strain theory. Strain theory is the idea that people engage in crime or delinquency as a result of certain strains in their life that make them feel as if it is the only way to help solve the problem (Agnew, 2002). For instance Agnew (2002) continues to describe strain theory with an example by stating that someone, ?may engage in violence to end harassment from others, they may steal to reduce financial problems, or they may run away from home to escape abusive parents.? This is a perfectly illustrated example as to why many young girls find themselves joining gang to escape such strains they deal with every single day within their home. Another theory that helps support the idea of young females finding themselves joining gangs because of peer influence, whether that be from an older sibling or friends that are gang involved, is known as social learning theory. Social learning theory is when people find themselves engaging in crime because they have learned such habits from people that they associate with; friends, family, whoever that may be (Agnew, 2002). Through this learning environment Agnew (2002) describes how people tent to eventually view crime as something that is ?desirable …show more content…

Also the implementation of a program that will make the problem of sexual assault and domestic violence known, while also providing counseling and help to those affected by it would also be very beneficial to young girls at risk for joining gangs. A promising program that addresses this problem is known as Multisystemic Therapy ? Problem Sexual Behavior or (MST-PSB). This program targets the problem of sexual assault at the family and peer level. At the family level this program aims to ?(a) reduce caregiver and youth denial about the sexual offenses and their sequelae, (b) remove barriers to effective parenting, (c) enhance parenting knowledge, and (d) promote affection and communication among family members (Borduin, Letourneau, Henggeler, & Swenson, 2009).? The goal of this program is not to hide the problem, but focus on fixing it but reducing the risk of sexual assault and harm, prevent relapses, and protect well-being and safely of the victim. This program showed great success in the reduction of offending and helps raise awareness of the

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