Girl In Pieces: Themes In Charlotte's Girl In Pieces

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A girl stood facing a rusty mirror in the bathroom. She looked at the reflection in the mirror as her head went down in sorrow. Soon tears ran down her face, her face damp with sweat. When she thought no one was around, she screeched with anguish into the mirror “Why am I so ugly? Why can’t I be like the other girls?” Echoes of her screams filled the hallway of Forest Park Middle School.
Nevertheless, the girl screeching in horror of her own reflection is not the only teen, who talks about, each and everything they despise about themselves. Furthermore, this girl relates to Charlotte, in the book Girl In Pieces, which is about a young 17-year old girl that was so insecure that the cuts that were imprinted on her wrist, she was determined to hide them. She made such an effort to look somewhat normal that she had to wear long-sleeves even when it was scorching hot outside. She was so insecure about herself, which caused her to suffer on the inside. This is the problem, teens suffering because of their insecurities.
Obese, skinny, unattractive, stupid. All of these words come around at Forest Park Middle School, surrounding middle schoolers heads, like a tornado spinning around a house. Callous kids only doing one thing, lowering other teen's self-esteem and making them insecure in their own bodies.
Their own face not good enough. …show more content…

We asked Savannah Bloedel, a student attending Forest Park, states that she hears teens calling each other dumb, stupid, ugly, fat, and skinny in the hallways. This proves, because kids are being so mean to each other it really does make teens insecure and does lower their self-esteem. Girls looking in the mirror, and wishing they never existing because of how they look. As a result to students say these mean things to each other, they then take it to heart and feel like they are being mocked for that one

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