Gilgamesh Quest For Immortality Essay

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Gilgamesh’s quest for immortality proves unnecessary in the end.
Gilgamesh, the king of Uruk. is towering, strong and perfect. He walks around his kingdom lording over it like a wild bull with his head thrust high. Proud of what he has accomplished all the while thinking about the one thing he’s afraid of, death.
Gilgamesh is friended by Enkidu and together they go on several journeys. After killing the Bull of Heaven, they decided to have a celebration. After the celebration Enkidu began to say strange things but was still rational. Gilgamesh decides to put his friend to bed. Enkidu doesn’t recover and dies on the 12th day. Gilgamesh is devastated and grieves for 6 days and 7 nights. He orders everyone in Uruk to do the same. After watching his beloved friend die a non-honorable death, he is afraid of death now more than eve. Gilgamesh’s need for immortality becomes priority. He sets out to find Utanapishtim, who has immortality.
Along the way he comes across Siduri, the tavern keeper. She is taken back at the sight of Gilgamesh who looks so …show more content…

He explains again how his grief-stricken heart has affected his appearances. He tells Utanapishtim how his quest for immortality has led him there. Utanapishtim explains how he became immortal and he couldn’t help him. Utanapishtim sees how exhausted Gilgamesh is and suggest that if he wanted to be like the gods to just stay awake. Gilgamesh is unable to accept this task and sleep takes over. Utanapishtim and his wife is aware at how arrogant Gilgamesh is and decides to make a loaf of bread for each day Gilgamesh is asleep. On the 7th day Gilgamesh awakes and Utanapishtim tells him he needs to be on his way. Feeling sympathetic for Gilgamesh Utanapishtim’s wife suggest he gives him something for his journey home. Utanapishtim tells Gilgamesh of a plant that can make him immortal. After receiving the information without a thank you Gilgamesh is on his

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