A report on...
Gerolamo Cardano a well-known mathematician, doctor, and astrologist was born in Pavia on September 24, 1501. The illegitimate son of a lawyer Facio Cardano. Gerolamo went to school in his hometown in Pavia until he moved to Padua where he became a Rector of the university. Here he attained a degree in medicine. In 1524 Cardano moved to Sacco where he married and gained the chair of mathematics at Academia Palatina. One decade later he lost this chair too Zuanne da Coi.
In the year of 1535, right after Cardano lost his chair too Zuanne da Coi. Niccolo won a mathematical competition by defeating Antonio Maria Fior. This revolved around the problem of the cubic equation. On hearing this news Cardano invited Tartaglia to Milan. Tartaglia flatly refused, However Tartaglia did visit Cardano in 1539 and told him what he needed to know how to solve the cubic condition it would never be published.
In 1552 Cardano was hired to become a doctor at St.Andrews, the archbishop hired him. While a doctor Cardano helped several well-known people in Europe. He diagnosed King Edward the 4th with scarlet fever. With his astrologist skills Cardano predicted that King Edward world live until the average age of (55years 3 months 17 days).
On returning to Italy Cardano lived in Pavia. He gained a reputation for being: a heavy gambler, a cheat, and other accusations. Cardano was said to have cut on of his sons ears off in a fit of rage and another son’s head cut off for the crime of murder. Cardano then later took the chair at Bologna University. On October 14 1570 Cardano was sent to jail for the charge of sorcery for predicting the horoscope of Jesus Christ. On the request of the Pope Cardano was then released from prison, the only catch to this was that he was to never teach again in the states of Papal States. In 1571 Cardano moved to Rome on the request of the Pope. His job in Rome was to give predictions to the Pope on his behalf. He was given pension for his service until his death in 1576 on the 21st of September. This was 3 days short of his 75th birthday, (AS HE PREDICTED). It was said that Cardano starved himself to death in order to ensure that his prediction came true.
Gerolamo Cardano a well-known mathematician, doctor, and astrologist was born in Pavia on September 24, 1501.
Francisco Pizarro was born in 1476 in Trujillo, Spain. Pizarro grew up not knowing how to read. His dad, Captain Gonzalo, was a poor farmer and his mom, Francisca González was a from a humble heritage. In 1510, Pizarro joined Spanish explorer Alonzo de Ojeda on a journey to Urabá, Colombia. In 1522, Francisco Pizarro tried to explore South America. While ...
Francisco Pizarro Francisco Pizarro, born in Trujillo, Estremadura, Spain, in 1471. He was the son of Gonzalo Pizarro and Francisca Gonzalez, Francisco did not know how to read or write. He had little education throughout his life. His father was a captain of infantry and had fought in many battles. Pizarro always wanted to explore and sail.
On June 16, 1829, in Arizona, Geronimo was born. He was the fourth of eight children. He had three brothers and four sisters. Geronimo was given the name Goyahkla at birth. Goyahkla, in the Apache language, means one who yawns. The name Geronimo is Spanish for Jerome, which means psycho. He most likely received this name after fighting ferociously against the Mexican army, who prayed to St. Jerome often for help. He took the name with great honor and pride. His military excellence and leadership skills have helped mold him into the greatest Apache leader in their history.
A young Apache at the time, Geronimo set out one day with his family from their homeland, which is now located in southeastern Arizona, on a trading mission into Mexico. Many other families also went with him. The men went into town to trade each day, leaving their families behind. On this momentous evening, they returned home to find that Mexican soldiers had ferociously attacked their camp. They had murdered their women and children and stolen their supplies and horses. The dead were scattered everywhere. Geronimo’s wife, three children, and his mother were among those slaughtered. He found their bodies lying in a pool of blood. “I had lost all,” Geronimo said. His heart was broken. He would never be the same again. The loss of his family led Geronimo to a lifelong hatred of all Mexicans. He was filled with hatred, and he would spend a lifetime pursuing vengeance for all that he and his people had lost. He became one of the most feared Apache warriors of all time. The career and accomplishments of Apache warrior Geronimo were indicative of the fight for a Native American way of life in conflict with that of the progressing American frontiersmen and Mexican soldiers.
Giovanni Bellini was born in Venice, Italy around 1430. He was the son of Jacopo Bellini, an esteemed painter at the time, and probably began his career along side his brother as an assistant in his father’s workshop. Though his artwork was influenced by many of his friends and relatives, Giovanni possessed certain qualities in his compositions which set him apart from the others. He blended the styles of both his father and brother-in-law, Andrea Mantegna, with his own subtle appreciation of color and light, the high regard he held for the detail of natural landscape, along with the very direct human empathy he placed in his painting. These components of Bellini’s personal style became foundational to the character of all Venetian Renaissance Art. Bellini later developed a sensuous coloristic manner in his work which became yet another characteristic he contributed to the Venetian Renaissance Art.
Who is Galileo the Great? Galileo Galilei was born February 15, 1564, Pisa Italy. Galileo is a Italian natural philosopher, astronomer, and mathematician who made fundamental contributions to the sciences of motion, astronomy, and strength of materials and to the development of the scientific method. His idea of the law of the falling bodies, and the trajectories marked the beginning of the fundamental change in the study of motion. Galileo has a book about the nature was written in the language of mathematics. That book changed the idea of natural philosophy from a verbal, qualitative account to a mathematical one in a way experiments became a noticed as a method for discovering the facts of nature. All of this finally lead
Davis J. Anne Diane Marsha and Aroskar A. Mila (2010). Ethical Dilemmas and Nursing Practice. Pearson
The code of ethics are ethical obligations and duties for every person whom may decide to become a nurse. To practice competently and with integrity, nurses of today must have key elements in place which will guide the profession. Key elements would include licensure, certification, and education and a relevant code of ethics (ANA, 2015). This paper will discuss the Code of Ethics Provisions five through nine.
Brier-Mackie suggests that nurses' focus on care and nurture, rather than cure of illness, results in a distinctive ethics. Furthermore, nursing ethics emphasizes the ethics of everyday practice rather than moral dilemmas. Nursing ethics is more concerned with developing the caring relationship than broader principles, such as beneficence and justice. For example, a concern to promote beneficence may be expressed in traditional medical ethics by the exercise of paternalism, where the health professional makes a decision based upon a perspective of acting in the patient's best interests. However, it is argued by some that this approach acts against person-centered values found in nursing ethics. The distinction can be examined from different theoretical angles. Despite the move toward more deontological themes by some, there continues to be an interest in virtue ethics. In nursing ethics and some support for an ethic of the car. This is considered by its advocates to emphasize relationships over abstract principles and therefore to reflect the caring relationship in nursing more accurately than other ethical views. Themes that emphasize the dignity of the patient by promoting a respectful and caring attitude from nurses are also commonly seen. According to Baille Let al., (2008) Nurses have an obligation to defend the dignity of those in their care. Rumbold, G (1999) emphasizes on the ability of the nurse to respond to vulnerable patients by providing dignified care which is a key concept in the field of nursing. This goes hand in hand with the standard ethical theory of respecting dignity for people and their autonomous choices, enabling them to make decisions about their own treatment. Among other things, this grounds the practice of informed consent that should be respected by the nurse, although much of the debate lies in the discussion of cases
Drugs come in many forms and are called by many names. Some are worse than others, but they all have the same effect, they can destroy the mind and body. They cause problems within the person that can spread beyond just the individual taking them. They have been known to rip families apart and destroy relationships, yet people still choose to use them. It seems that the need to keep one from using drugs only drives them to want it more. The need to go agai...
The four fundamental nursing responsibilities of promoting health, preventing illness, optimizing health and alleviating the ill are represented in the code of ethics. (Arnold & Boggs, 2016) One can say that the code of ethics are rules that a nurse needs to follow in order to effectively communicate and protect the patients. The American Nurse Association provided the code of ethics to guide nurses to ensure that patient’s care, safety, rights and health are well cared for and well managed. Models like Utilitarian, deontological, and the human rights-based all contribute in answering dilemmas that can arise with a patient. Thus, explaining what some of the code of ethics are, and how the code of ethics influence our responsibilities as a nurse will impact the overall care of the
Rene Descartes was born on March 31, 1596 in La Haye Touraine, France. Descartes was considered a "jack of all trades", making major contributions to the areas of anatomy, cognitive science, optics, mathematics and philosophy. He has been referred to as the father of modern rationalism, soldier of fortune, scholar, pilgrim, traveler, and a firm adherent of the Roman Catholic faith.
The Code of Ethics is an important document that outlines the mission and values of the organization and also guides the professionals in making ethical decisions. “It serves as a means of self-evaluation and self-reflection regarding ethical nursing practice and provides the basis for feedback and peer review” (CNA, 2008). Furthermore, it serves as the basis from which nurses can advocates for quality work environment that supports the delivery of safe, compassionate, competent and ethical care (CNA, 2008). A code of ethics also may be designated as a code of professional responsibility which will discuss difficult issues, difficult decisions that will often need to be made and provide a clear accounts of what behavior is considered “ethical” or “correct” or “right” in a given circumstance. If a nurse fails to comply with the Code of Ethics, it can result in expulsion from the professional organization (ethical violation). In order to highlight the importance of how Code of Ethics impacts the nursing practice as on-going effect present in contemporary practice, in particular amongst registered nurses, the background of
Do you know what it feels like to be truly hungry? Have you experienced the deep-seeded fear that arises from not knowing where your next meal is coming from? Luckily, I am not forced to answer “yes” to either of those distressing questions and neither does roughly 79% of the world’s population. However, according to certain statistics, “11.3% of the world’s population” is personally familiar with chronic hunger. To put that figure into perspective, 11.3% of the world’s population boils down to “roughly 805 million people who go undernourished on a daily basis.” (dosomething.org) Eight hundred five million people suffer needlessly says the author of the article because “the world produces enough food to feed all 7 billion people…” (dosomething.org) How is it possible then, that we as people, can possess the resources to feed those millions of hungry people but choose to stand idly by and refuse to help? Sadly, by doing nothing, mankind makes a conscious decision to allow millions of human beings to suffer from malnourishment.
Galileo was born in Pisa, Italy on February 15th, 1564. His father, Vincenzo was a music teacher and musician. After his family moved to Florence, Galilei was sent to a monastery to be educated. He was so happy there that he decided to become a monk, but his father wanted him to be a medical doctor and brought him home to Florence. He was never really interested in medicine and studied mathematics at the University of Pisa. He was especially interested in famous mathematicians like Euclid (geometry) and Archimedes. In fact in 1586 he wrote his first book about one of Archimedes theories. He eventually became head of mathematics at the University of Pisa where he first wrote about a very important idea that he developed. It was about using experiments to test theories. He wrote about falling bodies in motion using inclined planes to test his theories.