George Orwell: The Dominance Of Fear

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Fears Dominance Humans all over are fearful of one to many things which then begins to mentally control a person's life day and night. This constant controlling of life itself differs from Neil Postman's view about this topic. George Orwell prediction on the controlment of humans is that all are controlled through their fears rather than their pleasures due to the preventing of many actions/activities through life, the traumatization given off, as well as general feel of depression over the subject in which this takes place. To begin with , many are controlled by their fears because of how fear controls the daily activities that us humans are willing to participate in. Fear is something that is capable of holding you back when it comes to those key events and activities you know you want to participate in however won't because of the sense of fear you receive. Such as in 1984 fear caused all the citizens to be aware of what they might think and do. The fear of the party indeed had a deep impact on what the citizens believed they should and shouldn't do throughout their life. Many of the citizens …show more content…

Always being afraid or scared to do something will sooner or later begin to sadden you throughout life. With this , fear is mentally and emotionally controlling your life. Fear has begun to find new ways to impact each individual, however mentally and emotionally attacking them is what it surely is good at. It begins to control your feelings as well as what you will and won't do. I personally can relate to fear saddening myself as a whole because of the feeling of regret I tend to receive from it. These changes of emotions cause every human to have a random breakdown, change of personality, as well as just simply changing your lifestyle in any way. All of these examples are the controlment of which fear has over

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