George Mclaurin Argumentative Essay

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“All men are created equal.“ is one of the most important statements of the United States Declaration of Independence. However it is a well known fact that not all men were treated equally. Ever since African-Americans in the United States were separated from others and not seen as equal beings. Are African-Americans not as intelligent as other people? Does the skin colour has an impact on somebody's value? Is it bad to be black? These and many more questions were dealed with during the Civil Right's Movement from 1954-1968. The black population decided not to accept injustices against them and fought for their right's in many different ways. Looking back we can say the protest movements began with the racial segregation at schools. …show more content…

Although he was officially admitted to the doctoral program he was supposed to keep distance to his white fellows during many occasions such as lunch break and during lessons. As these rules had a negative impact on his academic studies McLaurin successful took legal steps against the University of Oklahoma. Hence George McLaurin was one of the first African-American that attended university without being separated from the other students.1
2.2 Brown v. Board of Education
In 1954 five black students with similar difficulties sued different Boards of Education in order to be able to get the same education the white population gets. The different actions are now known as the case of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas. Such as George McLaurin Oliver Brown employed the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) to support him. On 17th May 1954 the Supreme Court announced it's decision. Experts found out that the students develop feelings of inferiority when being separated because of a different race.2 Consequently, the
2 Frederik Hetmann, Das schwarze Amerika (Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany: Herder ,1970)

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