George Estreich's When My Daughter Is Divided

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In today’s society people are very open minded compared to the generations before hand. However, even in a perfect world we cannot as humans understand what we are not exposed to. People make judgments about others who are different than them and say “that’s not normal”. What is normal anyway? Is it desirable? Should we strive to meet such a standard that can’t even be defined? No. because such a standard does not exist. Everyone has different experiences whether it is being handicapped, autistic, speak differently or have down a daughter with down syndrome. Keeping an open mind and seeing shades of gray rather than black or white will change the world.
In Bill Shannon’s case you see a man who can’t walk because he has crutches and assume …show more content…

As a parent he wanted his daughter to be like everyone, his definition of normal, in his original eyes she wasn’t. Her life would be different, yes, worse? No. He compares his daughter to clouds saying “… this one had no shape you could name by likeness”. It is was just as special and beautiful as the other ones and in the end the cloud, or his daughter, was like the aurora borealis. Just goes to show you that something that is confusing or unknown at first can be more than what the eye can see, odds are it'll be beautiful and special like the colorful lights and sounds in the sky that special …show more content…

Her mother and her family speak in a broken way and us americans assume that means unintelligence. Tan talks about how her mother ordered a CAT and the hospital lost the scan and didn’t apologize and said she would have to make another appointment. Her daughter spoke to the hospital and because of her better english and perceived better knowledge she got the scan. The way someone speaks doesn’t merit knowledge. The way one speaks just shows who they are and where they have been. Be proud of the way is what Tan say in the line “That was the language that helped shape the way I saw things, expressed things, made sense of the

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