Genre Films' Predictability and Formulaicity

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Genre Films' Predictability and Formulaicity

This essay shall discuss whether 'Genre films are predictable and

formulaic', looking at the Western genre, and using the example films

of, 'The Searchers' and 'Unforgiven'. Genre is a fundamental means by

which we communicate especially in storytelling. If looking at genre

in terms of Thomas Shatz, he puts forward the theory of similarity and

overlap. He adopts a thematic and ideological approach, which

identifies only two genres; the genre of order and the genre of

integration. In this case the Western would be categorised into the

genre of order. This essay shall also look at how genre films change

over time, due to changes in society, as characters are represented

differently, for example, females are now allowed to do the same jobs

as men, but this would not have been allowed in the 1950's, and also

as sub genres within the film industry are created over time, as films

can now be categorised into more that one genre, for example, Alien,

can be placed both in the Horror and the Science Fiction genres.

If looking at the western genre in terms of iconography, then it would

have to be agreed that genre is predictable and formulaic to a certain

extent, as the western genre has to be predictable and formulaic

because the films depict a certain part of the west in American

history, so it therefore needs to show a realistic image of the west

within all western films, as it is a true time in American history.

In both 'The Searchers' and 'Unforgiven', there was examples of

similar iconography, such as guns, and a similar narrative, as they

both followed the revenge narrative, this therefore ...

... middle of paper ...


conventions to fit with society as it changes, but also to keep films

as predictable and formulaic as possible, because as Thomas Shatz

suggests, "Genres help spectators become orientated and help them

understand the film world by making references to familiar features.

The pleasure of a genre film offers the audience an experience which

is predictable and at the same time contains enough variation and

suspense to make it different from all the other films of the same


This all therefore suggests that "Genre films are predictable and

formulaic", as audiences have to have expectations of the films, which

make the codes and conventions for the film industries to follow. It

is only usually time that changes genres, as expectations change,

films become categorized into many genres, and sub-genres are created.

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