Genetic Testing For Kids: Is It A Good Idea?

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After reading the articles “ Why we should think twice about giving genetics tests to our kids.” and “Genetic testing for kids : is it a good idea? Studies show that when a parent makes the decision for the kid without their consent , and the test shows that they have an incurable diseases. Kids go through life worrying about it . Kids also should be able to at least make one decision on their own without a parent making them do something they don’t want to do.

One of the main reasons it is a bad idea to genetically test kids without their consent is they may have anxiety over it. According to “ Why we should think twice about giving genetic to our kids.”” We told parents in the study that there are no known health benefits to these tests …show more content…

And some people will worry about that for the rest of their life,and life's too short for that,so there is no reason to do it if they don’t want to do it. An example is from the article “ Genetic Testing for Kids: Is It a Good Idea? And it quotes “ For children,the ramification of such predictions are especially controversial , Which is why professional groups-the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP),in particular-have come out against genetic testing of children for adult-onset diseases.” “But should these children really spend their childhood knowing they have a 90 percent chance of contracting breast cancer when they’re older.” “ If the disease is one that manifests itself in childhood, like hemophilia, then of course parents should have their children tested when it is necessary for their child’s medical care.” “ But when it comes to adult onset disorders, such as certain syndromes with a high risk of cancer the question of whether to test children becomes much more complicated.” “ This is an extremely difficult decision for an adult; it’s not one girl should have to agonize over throughout her childhood if she doesn’t have to. The last reason that kids should not be made to have a Genetic testing is because kids worry about it before and after the testing. An example is “ The

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