Genetic Conditions

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Genetic conditions are occurences in which a DNA abnormality is expressed. Some conditions pose a threat to the organism it inhabits, whereas some are neither beneficial nor harmful. 350 million people globally have some type of genetic conditiom, and they're sure to spark interest. There is only 1 in every 10,000 people who have situs inversus. Situs inversus is a condition in which all the organs in the body are mirrored; the heart is on the right side, and the liver is on the left. Nineteen days into fetal development, the cilia, (hairlike structures), on the cell come to life. The flow of the cilia turns genes on/off, and tells them where to go. In individuals with situs inversus, the cilia didn't move at all, which "confused" the genes and triggred them to be reversed. Therefore, the left gene turned into a right gene, and vice versa. My thoughts on this situation are that although the condition is fatal for 30% of the embryos it happens to, the survivors sure have an interesting fact to tell. …show more content…

There's layers upon layers of cells, but in this condition, the surface layer cells went wrong, This means which the hair, skin, nails, and teeth don't take on the vital properties needed for development. Individuals affected by ED face a lifetime of special needs which may include dentures at a young age, special diets to meet dental/nutritional needs, protective devices from sunlight, and respiratory therapy sessions. My thoughts on the situation are that although it may be discouraging, keeping a positive mindset can help distract from the physical

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