General Zaroff Quotes

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“Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws” (Plato). Plato’s quote resembles “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell, by showing how Rainsford didn’t approach the General’s house to steal anything else he isn’t allowed to have. Instead, he goes along with the game. He believes in himself to win the game. General Zaroff finds a way around the law by cheating. He does so by making himself the exception to the laws. Rainsford doesn’t find a way to cheat, but to outsmart the General. “The Most Dangerous Game” by Connell, portrays how civilization in people will turn into savagery when necessary for survival, and how mindsets change when faced with a challenge.

General Zaroff has his own ways on his island, and to him they’re seen as “civilized” (26). For example, he hunts people for sport and says that there are the hunter and the huntees of the world (25). His sport gives him ecstasy, giving him the urge to keep playing. His addiction, makes him feel imperious as if he is the best hunter created. In addition, when Ivan is killed by Rainsford’s native trick, the General didn’t mind (34). He is apathetic for …show more content…

For example, Rainsford decides to jump into the sea and go into the General’s home (34). He is nimble. His mind can expand on ideas immediately. Such as, figuring out a way to beat the creator at its game. In addition, when he is running from the General, he remembers a native trick and utilizes it (33-34). He reiterates ideas he’s been taught, and puts them into play. He’s trying to impede the General before the General can catch him. Furthermore, he tries to make the General obscure about his position (22). He’s trying to be in the mindset of hunters. He’s underestimating the General, but he soon finds out that it’s going to be vice versa. Rainsford subdues problems he is faced

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