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When you think of designer babies most people think of babies wearing designer clothes and playing with expensive toys but that’s not the case. Designer babies are babies that have been genetically preselected, more specifically their DNA has been modified by gene editing. The purpose of gene editing is to eliminate genes that cause diseases such as Huntington’s or Tay Sachs disease. There are tons of advantages and disadvantages to gene editing. With gene editing, diseased and carrier parents can make sure their child doesn’t inherit a life changing disease. However, will society be able to stop there or will we continue to “cure” undesirable features in hope of creating perfection?
The importance of gene editing
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editing is very important and gives different couples new opportunities. Now, parents can ultimately save their child who are at risk of a inheriting a horrible disease. More and more children aren’t being born diseased and don’t have to suffer the consequences of that disease throughout their life thanks to gene editing. Gene editing stops the offspring from inheriting a disease and ultimately stops that disease from travelling down a bloodline. It opens doors for same sex couples too. Same sex couples, with the help of donors, can produce their own offspring but only one partner would be the biological parent. Gene editing also helps couples who can’t make their own sperm and eggs and are infertile. Gene editing is a remarkable option for couples but now the question is: how does it work? How does it work? The process of editing a genome is a long and intricate one. If a couple knows that they are diseased or a carrier for a disease they would got to an organization like GenePeeks company. There the company would tell the couple the probability of their offspring inheriting the disease. If the probability is high they would most likely decide to go through the gene editing process. The female would get a procedure done to remove some eggs. After the eggs go through *in vitro fertilization with the sperm cells, a few of the new embryos would be examined for the disease. During the examination a new fertility technique called CRISPR is applied. CRISPR uses an enzyme called Cas9 that cuts strands of DNA, then researchers can insert the new genes. Parents can choose one or two embryos that fit their requirements to implant. Height and size can’t be predicted by geneticists because tens of thousands of genes would have to be understood to edit them. Geneticists are able to predict physical traits such as hair colour, eye colour, and skin colour through gene editing *in vitro fertilization: when the egg and sperm is fertilized outside the body Connections This year we learned a great deal about biology.
There are many connections between designer babies and this subject. We learned about DNA structure which geneticists need to know when they decode it to find mutations. We also learned about different type of mutations and how they can affect the protein produced. Sex linked diseases and how offspring can inherit them was also a topic we talked about. Finally the last connection is when we were determining the probability of an offspring getting a specific genotype and phenotype. That connects immensely to how if designer babies were made, scientists would have to make sure there was a high enough probability that the offspring would get a specific characteristic in order to satisfy the …show more content…
customers. More about CRISPR CRISPR stands for “ clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats.” CRISPR can alter inherited genes in non human organisms. It can also edit human genome in normal somatic body cells and the cells that pass down genes to the offspring. Until CRISPR, to get rid of flawed DNA scientists could only delete big amounts of it. CRISPR is much more precise than PGD in getting rid of mutations. PGD stands for “preimplantation genetic diagnosis” and is an old fertility technique that has limitations and isn’t as advanced as CRISPR. CRISPR is the most successful procedure in getting rid of genetic disorders and is highly recommend to parents wanting to go through the gene editing process. Designer Babies: A good or bad idea? Designer babies are indubitably a bad idea. Of course it would be exciting to be able to choose what your child looked like and what traits they would have: would they have blue eyes and be athletic or how about having black hair and amazing musical abilities? How a baby turns out shouldn’t be predetermined , it should be up to fate. Our society is insanely competitive and we are constantly trying to beat each other.
So, the idea of designing your own baby and it turning into a competition to see whos kid will be the best seems very realistic and unnecessary. Designer babies will divide our society even more than it already is. The rich and upper class will have the finances to go through the designer baby procedure and once it is complete their “perfect” kids will be seen as superior to the rest. On top of that designer babies are very unethical. Modifying an embryo violates religious values and the rights of the embryo. Another problem is how would large numbers of rejected embryos be handled ethically and politically, since you can’t just throw them out in the garbage. Also gene editing is too similar eugenics. Eugenics is the science of trying to improve the human race by increasing the occurrence of attractive heritable traits. Hitler used eugenic principles to justify his cruelties and eugenics has been disapproved and frowned upon ever since. Designer babies are not needed in this day and age and scientists should stop researching the idea. but research about them can help advance gene editing and that is
important. Conclusion After my research, I have come to the opinion that scientists should continue to study gene editing. My reasons are that no US or Canadian association have completely endorsed decoding full DNA so in turn designer babies aren't possible right now. Even if associations do end up endorsing full DNA decoding there wouldn't be a high demand for designer babies. The drawbacks of producing designer babies outweigh the benefits. Designer babies would be too expensive for most (except for upper class families of course) and there are too many moral consequences. Parents don’t want a perfect baby, they want a baby with their own quirks and weaknesses that havent been predetermined. Gene editing is is too important to stop studying and hopefully with more research and experiments, gene editing will be able to help even more people.
Once altered, the baby will have no say in how its cells are used, or traits they wish to keep but no longer will have the chance too. Some designer babies are created to help others through transplants. Even though the intention may be decent, it is still taking away the child's chance to have a choice in his body. Certain transplants are painful, such as a bone marrow transplant, and creating the child to be used as a donor could possibly put him through involuntary pain.
Designer babies are just like any other child and will grow up just as any other child will. The only difference between designer and normal babies are that designer babies are genetically modified. The genetic modifications would ideally include immunity to illnesses, choice of sex, physical characteristics, and mental and physical capabilities. The genetic modifications could be as little or as extensive as the parent would like but the doctors in charge would be able to recommend certain modifications in order to combat certain common family diseases. All of this would ultimately lead into more popular genes being passed down to the children and less and less modifications will be needed. This is able to be done because DNA or genes are the basis of all characteristics in organisms. As of yet, humans lack the technology and ...
After the discovery of genetically altering an embryo before implantation, “designer babies” was coined to describe a child genetically altered “to ensure specific intellectual and cosmetic characteristics.” (“Designer Babies” n.p.). This procedure combines genetic engineering and In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) to make sure certain characteristics are absent or present in an embryo (Thadani n.p.). The procedure also includes taking an embryo to be pre-implementation genetically diagnosed (PGD), another procedure that doctors use to screen the embryos (Stock n.p.). An embryo’s DNA goes through multiple tests to obtain an analysis of the embryo, which will list all the components of the embryo including genetic disorders and physical traits such as Down syndrome, blue eyes, and brown hair, for instance (Smith 7). Although the use of PGD is widely accepted by the “reproductive medical community” and the modifying of disorders or diseases is to a degree, once the characteristics are no longer health related “72% disapprove of the procedure” (“Designer Babies” n.p.). At this point the parents make decisions that would alter their child’s life forever and this decision is rather controversial in the U...
In recent years, great advancement has been made in medicine and technology. Advanced technologies in reproduction have allowed doctors and parents the ability to screen for genetic disorders (Suter, 2007). Through preimplantation genetic diagnosis, prospective parents undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) can now have their embryo tested for genetic defects and reduce the chance of the child being born with a genetic disorder (Suter, 2007). This type of technology can open the door and possibility to enhance desirable traits and characteristics in their child. Parents can possibly choose the sex, hair color and eyes or stature. This possibility of selecting desirable traits opens a new world of possible designer babies (Mahoney,
However , a gap in society could corrupt. Creating classes that distinguish designer babies from those that are not. Creating a kid versus a natural born kid could
The topic of designer babies is a very controversial topic based on if it’s safe, inhuman or dangerous towards the baby. As readers can infer from reading the article, Janssens believes that designer babies will not live up to its expectations of being able to editing anything, such as personality traits. Janssens says as she argues her debate, “What makes people intelligent, for instance, isn’t a combination of the “right genes” and the “right environment,” but the “right combination” of genes and environment” (Janssens 3). Even though it would be hard to change personality traits, you can get rid of diseases, but this might have an effect of creating more diseases. Janssens states that, “other diseases mentioned as future targets for gene editing, such as sickle cell disease and Duchenne muscular dystrophy, are caused by single gene mutations [...] gene increases the risk of one disease while decreasing the risk of another.” (Janssens 2). Based on what readers have read, it is clear that Janssens believes that designer babies will not be successful because one edited gene can lead to more problems with other
What do one think of when they hear the words “Designer Babies”? A couple designing their own baby of course, and it’s become just that. Technology has made it possible for there to be a way for doctors to modify a babies characteristics and its health. Genetically altering human embryos is morally wrong, and can cause a disservice to the parents and the child its effecting.
Picture a young couple in a waiting room looking through a catalogue together. This catalogue is a little different from what you might expect. In this catalogue, specific traits for babies are being sold to couples to help them create the "perfect baby." This may seem like a bizarre scenario, but it may not be too far off in the future. Designing babies using genetic enhancement is an issue that is gaining more and more attention in the news. This controversial issue, once thought to be only possible in the realm of science-fiction, is causing people to discuss the moral issues surrounding genetic enhancement and germ line engineering. Though genetic research can prove beneficial to learning how to prevent hereditary diseases, the genetic enhancement of human embryos is unethical when used to create "designer babies" with enhanced appearance, athletic ability, and intelligence.
While people may have little insight into the new developments of designer babies, science has explored and expanded genetic editing. “Manipulating genes is legal”. According to Chinese scientist who created such technology. (in slide show). In 1994, the argument was to have equal rights so the poor get the same treatment like the rich. (embryo.aus). in adjacent to the statistics, some studies indicate Americans would like to know if their child would develop Alzheimer’s, or cancer (put statistics in a slide show) . (genetic technology pg 6,7). The Harvard STAT and Harvard T.H. Chan school of public health found that people now have mixed and apparently not firm vies on designer babies. The outcome was split between whether the federal government should fund, research on editing genes( polls).. For instance, The food and drug administration centers for Medicaid, Medicare services, and the federal trade commission regulates genetic testing and research in the US. There is no law forbidding genetic manipulation in humans. (site this). There are many great reasons why designer babies should be valid. With new technology curing diseases is an awesome way to use (PGD), it is possible to save a human from being
of the same sex, then they are more apt to have a third. A second
We want to be parents, but sadly our diseases won’t allow us to have healthy children. Imagine that doctors can remove the debilitating illness genes babies by using procedures like PGD (Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis), and enabling you to have any babies without worrying about their lifetime. Would we take a change? Most people would say yes, providing that they know the technique is safe and wouldn’t produce any superpower mutants. In fact, Pre- Implantation genetic diagnosis, or PGD allows doctors to screen embryos for the presence of genetic defects before they are implanted into a woman's uterus. By that, unborn children can be modified their genes to change appearance, cleverness, resistance to disease. On the other hand, people debate about designer babies, about how we against nature and how this could affect our society? In my opinion, the idea of designer babies is beneficial to our society.
A designer baby is a child who is genetically modified for the purpose of removing any defects that are genetically linked, and/or to select certain genes that appeal to the parents. This process of creating designer babies is called genetic engineering. Genetic engineering is the alteration of DNA by adding and/or removing certain genes. Since the discovery of human genetic modification, scientists have proposed the idea of
Parents all have the tendency to want what is best for their children so that they can be in a perfect condition. Designer babies have become a popular topic today. Even though designer babies can be used to create a parent’s perfect child, many still have concerns. Designer babies can have both negative and positive effects; however, reports have only showed them having negative effects on our society. Doctors all believe that designing a baby can not only put the baby at risk, however, also our future society. The process of creating designer babies has not yet been reassured, which have only left doctors and others afraid of going through with this process. Designing a baby may seem easy, however the effects that these babies will bring, can only harm our society.
Creating a "designer baby" is a slippery slope that society and science are going down currently. If people customize their babies, there is a great possibility of losing genetic and physical variation. For example, the number of girls in the world could easily and quickly outnumber the boys in the world, or vice versa. The only thing that a parent can currently choose about a child is gender, but since scientists are trying to allow parents to choose eye and hair color, parents could just make kids look however is popular at the time. We all know that what is popular in society changes rapidly, so we would end up with a group of kids looking that last weeks trend, a group like last months, and a group like last years. Instead of having diverse children, many would look almost the same. Also, what if the process goes wrong? Would the parents still love the child even though they were not what they wanted? Parents are supposed to love their kids no matter what, but would that change if we could pick exactly what kind of kid we wanted? Being able to choose how we want our kids to look is a dangerous path to go down, and science should realize that the cons more than outweigh the
of one individual’s genetic code to another’s, with no way to guide the outcome of