Gender Reversal In The 2016 Ghostbusters

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2016 Ghostbusters stirred a lot of controversy for casting women in the roles that men played in the original. The creator of the movie wanted to reverse gender roles. Gender roles are the behavior learned by a person as appropriate of their gender. In the movie gender roles were reversed to show that women are capable of fulfilling typical men’s roles. The movie turned the typical male hero into a female heroine and the main female sidekick into a male. These specific gender roles were chosen because they would stand out in the movie and support that women can do as much as men. It is necessary to reverse gender roles because it allows for people to get to know themselves and to have their own life expectations. The creator also attacks …show more content…

2016 Ghostbusters, however, reverse these roles to encourage women that they are just as capable as men. The most evident gender reversal in the movie was making the male hero into female heroine. One of the main characters, Abby Yates, is a good example of how the reversal of gender roles encourages women. She is similar to a typical male hero because she is very headstrong and confident in which she believes in. She does not stop for the approval of others, but lives for herself. Her portrayal as a heroine proves that a woman does not need to be timid and shy in a movie. Abby also proves that being headstrong and confident is not a trait unique to men. Another character worth noticing is Erin Gilbert. At the beginning of the movie Erin is the opposite of Abbey. Erin is shy and does not speak up for her beliefs which is how women are represented in modern society . However, as the movie progress she overcomes these characteristics and eventually find herself. This is an important triumph over gender roles that shows women that even within their current situation gender roles can always be …show more content…

These particular gender reversals were included because they are often seen in action movies and even in the original Ghostbusters. Misogyny is dislike or prejudice towards women. Before the movie was released it was met with comments like “Did Ghostbuster become a chick flick?”. Even without seeing the movie people had bad opinions of it just because the cast was all female. Along with encouraging women, the creator wanted to see that men would look at women as equals. In the world, women are portrayed as weak and timid while they are not. Women can be strong and save the day just like men.The creator made the sidekick a dumb male so the audience can see that men do not always hold positions over females and that being a male does not make a person automatically smarter than

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