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The history of gender inequality
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The history of gender inequality
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A master status that crosses all aspects of life, every social class, every race and in every society in the world is gender. A pervasive inequality seen across the globe is a disparity in available access to property, power and prestige known as gender stratification. (Henslin, 2014, p. 288) Sex is a biological characteristic that separates gender. Primary and secondary sex characteristics such as genitalia and changes through puberty are determined by sex. Sex differs from gender in that gender roles are typically learned from what society deems as behaviors and roles that are acceptable for each sex.
Gender inequality is found in all societies in history. Each society typically assigns specific tasks or behaviors to each sex, although those assignments are not always the same in every society. This sex typing is not absolute across any society, one society may attribute a specific job as a “male” job, while a different society will attribute that same job as a “female” job. Sex typed work was researched in 324 societies around the world by Anthropologist George Murdock. (Henslin, 2014, p. 297)
Females have always been considered a minority group despite outnumbering males. Gerda Lerner learned in her research that
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separations between sexes “always favors men-as-a-group” (Henslin, 2014, p. 294). It was also noted that there has never been a single matriarchal society where women had power over men. In the Most Industrialized Countries, including the US, the gender gap has been narrowed significantly.
Women have gained more equality. In the United States, laws were passed giving women equal rights as men, such as the right to vote, affirmative action to gain education and employment and anti-discrimination laws making it illegal to discriminate based on gender or sex. Despite much progress that has been made and the Equal Pay Act of 1963 that made it illegal to pay men more than women for the same job performed, there is still a wage gap between women and men, with women only earning 78% of what men earned in 2013. ("Wage Gap," 2015, para. 2) Many people are continuing to fight the gender wage gap and ensure that women are paid
equally. Unfortunately in other societies, especially in the Least Industrialized Societies, women are still faced with rampant discrimination and poor treatment. There are many factors including religious beliefs, lack of education and long held traditions that are impeding progress for these women. Some severe gender stratification include forced marriages, women not being allowed in public without a male escort and female circumcision. The latter is a horrific act forced on young girls that forever maims them physically and emotionally. As more countries become more industrialized and global stratification opens up the rest of the world to those that have been sheltered from it, hopefully more strides can be taken to bring an end to gender inequality for women worldwide.
When President John F. Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act of 1963 into law, he hoped that it would allow working women to finally earn the same amount of money as men; however, more than half a century later, men continue to out earn women in almost every field of work (Lipman para. 4). Male dominated fields tend to pay more than female dominated fields at similar skill levels. In 2012, women earned an average of $691 per week while men earned an average of $854 per week. Furthermore, the majority of women remain unaware that they are earning less than their male colleagues (Hegewisch para. 1).
In 1963, President Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act into law, making it unlawful to discriminate against a worker on the basis of sex. Since that time, the wage gap between men and women in the United States has narrowed by just 15 cents, now being 74 cents, as reported by the U.S. Census Bureau.
The issue of gender inequality will never truly be solved in the United States. This arises from differences in socially constructed gender roles as well as biologically through hormonal differences, chromosomes, and brain structures. Gender inequality is defined as unequal treatment or perceptions of individuals based on gender. One of the reasons for gender inequality is income disparities. Another reason is because of the positions in the workplace. Thirdly, the reason is because of beliefs that one another has. For these reasons is why these situations should be examined to get to the root of the problem.
It is only recently that sociology has begun to explore the topic of gender. Before this, inequalities within society were based primarily on factors such as social class and status. This paper will discuss gender itself: what makes us who we are and how we are represented. It will also explore discrimination towards women throughout history, focusing mainly on women and the right to vote, inequalities between males and females in the work place and how gender is represented in the media.
Sexual division of labor is the allocation of tasks between males and females. Often, these tasks will be labeled as either a man or women’s job which influences the job allocations of men and women, as employers will adopt certain expectations of who should be performing specific jobs. Whilst these expectations will vary from between societies and change over time, the division of labor will persist and men and women will continue to do different jobs (Padavic and Reskin,
In order to grasp the concept of social construction of gender, it is essential to understand the difference between sex and gender. Biologically, there are only two reproductive genital organs that are determinants of sex: the vagina and the penis. Sex is established solely through biological structures; in other words, genitalia are the basis of sex. Once a sex category is determined, gender, a human categorization socially attached to sex, is assigned based on anatomy. Gender typically references social or cultural differen...
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Sex and gender are terms that are mixed up from day to day and seen as similarities rather than differences. Sex is what distinguishes people from being either male or female. It is the natural or biological variations between males and females (Browne, 1998). Some of these variations are genitals, body hair and internal and external organs. It is the make-up of chromosomes, men have one X and one Y chromosome and women have two X chromosomes, these are responsible for primary characteristics (Fulcher and Scott, 2003). Gender on the other hand refers to the sociological differences between male and female. This is teaching males and females to behave in various ways due to socialisation (Browne, 1998). Example: masculinity and femininity. Girls are supposed to show their femininity by being non-competitive, sensitive, dependent, attractive and placid. If and when some girls don’t succeed in keeping this image they will be referred to as a tomboy. On the other hand, boys show their masculinity through aggression, physical strength...
U.S. society is highly stratified, but many people underestimate the extent of structured inequality in U.S. society for the following reasons: In principle, the law gives equal standing to all. Our culture celebrates individual autonomy and achievement. We tend to interact with people like ourselves. (2006 Alan S. Berger)
Women earn 74 percent less for every dollar a man earns, even after the Equal Pay Act of 1963. If men and women were paid equal, 50 percent of households in poverty would make a middle class wage. While women band together to create equal pay, many companies have offered thousands to settle lawsuits.
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Months ago, June 26, 2015 to be specific, the United States Supreme Court gave a landmark ruling that so many people have waited years, even decades to hear: Legalizing marriage equality in all states in Obergefell v Hodges. The case merely solved one issue facing the community, and only in the United States. However, in the United States and globally, many and much worse challenges are to be faced however. For the most part, there are still no laws in place that protect the community from discrimination in society or at work. In the United States, in many states, there is still discrimination on the basis of gender identity or sexuality in the workplace (where someone may be fired or denied a job on these bases), they
America may have progressed over the last couple of decades, but there are still major problems. Gender equality has been a major issue over the last couple of years. It has progressed in some ways, but there is still so much to be done. “Many differences we observe between men and women do not have much to do with gender differences at all; instead, the behavior arise as a result of the different positions men and women occupy” (Dalton Conley 289). In America you have the “perfect” family. The perfect family includes a hard working dad, a domestic mom and their children. The father is always the superior one and makes all of the decisions on how the money is spent, who is in charge of the house, etc. The mother is the stay home mom, cooks
Gender inequality is a very bad situation through the world that needs to be fixed. Throughout the world, many women live with an unfair lifestyle, many with only a smattering rights. Bringing awareness to the topic of gender inequality and persecution is the crux for modern America and the rest of the world. Aside from gender inequality impacting teenagers, authors can impact readers when writing about social inequality and many genres can be used as a proactive tool.