Inter-generational Dynamics in the Workforce

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The differences in the generation working together is a great thing for the work force. Each generation can bring something new and old to the job. There is different mindset that happens time to time, this is either a good thing or a bad. Depending on how the employer handles the situation, you can over conquer this by show the workers the positive aspect of having different work ethic. Because of the upcoming generation, the Y generation as they call it, are shown to have less loyalty, making advancement in money do the lifestyle that they live (Riccucci, 2012). With the economy, the way that it is now people are looking and asking for more money do survive. This hinders a business company because in some cases they want to only hire those who will work for less and do more for the job. This is not a new conception to the business world. What also affects the hiring process with generation x and generation y …show more content…

From what I have seen and went through trying to get a criminal justice job is the same as finding a right college. What I mean by this is even though you have a degree that the position that you are applying for is asking of you, what they need as well with the degree is having the experience in that field. There are ways around getting the experience, but if you have spent years getting the degree just to be shot down because of the experience is a shame. When the author states in her book Public Personnel Management Current Concerns, Future Challenges, that generation y will more likely want a higher salary, voice their opinion more, and want flexible hours so they don’t have to pick and choose between their family and career’s. While having less work loyalty, and willing to have the attitude of live to work (Riccucci, 2012). This can become a problem because there will be unexpecting opening, wage differences, and employees being burnt

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