Gay Marriage: Between Man and Woman or Love and Love?

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Many individuals’ idea of the conventional marriage was viewed simply to be a sacred union shared between a male and a female. People who oppose gay marriage believe gay marriage legalization has no positive actions on economic issues. To prove others wrong, one example is that gay marriage made an economic impact in New Jersey that raised $248 million dollars in 3 years by creating about 800 new jobs and added $19 million dollars to government funding. (Vespa-Papaleo) “The Comptroller for New York City found that legalizing gay marriage would bring $142 million to the city’s economy and $184 million to the state’s economy over three years.” (Thompson) Money for a legal marriage license require money that creates a result of higher tax incomes and decreases state benefits program costs. (Perry) Every individual should be equal and given the same rights and shouldn’t be restricted from right to marry anyone they choose and so, same sex marriage should be legalized.
Gay marriage allows couples wanting children to adopt easier allowing children in need of stable homes a proper family to care for them. As stated in Pediatrics, studies revealed that children of lesbian moms were rated higher than children with heterosexual parents in social and academic competence and had fewer social problems. (Gartrell) This indicates homosexual couples are capable of raising children even if they are not their own flesh and blood. Ezra Klein had stated his opinion as, “We should be begging gay couples to adopt children. We should see this as a great boon that gay marriage could bring to kids who need nothing more than two loving parents." (Klein) Instead of letting children live their whole lives in foster care waiting for heterosexual parents to a...

... middle of paper ... al., "The Legal, Medical, Economic & Social Consequences of New Jersey's Civil Union Law" ,, Dec. 10, 2008
Nanette Gartrell, MD, and Henny Bos, PhD, "US National Longitudinal Lesbian Family Study: Psychological Adjustment of 17-Year-Old Adolescents," Pediatrics, July 7, 2010
Ezra Klein, "Sorry, Justice Scalia: There’s No Evidence That Gay Parents Aren’t Great Parents,", Mar. 27, 2013
Kathryn Perry, "The Cost of Gay Marriage - In Dollars and Cents," Christian Science Monitor, May 27, 2009
Bruce Peterson, JD, Majority Opinion, “Baker v. Nelson,”, Oct. 15, 1971
Nate Silver, "Divorce Rates Higher in States with Gay Marriage Bans,", Jan. 12, 2010
William C. Thompson, Jr., "Love Counts: The Economic Benefits of Marriage Equality for New York",, June 2007

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