Gay Adoption Vs Closed Adoption

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An estimated two million LGBT people are interested in adopting. Studies say gay parents seem to be more motivated than heterosexual parents because they chose to be parents and adopt the child. There are many different types of adoption, but this essay will only be about 5 of them, each adoption will show that LGBT parents are as capable of adopting and raising a child as heterosexuals are.
In 2011 all 50 states and the District Of Columbia approved at least one form of adoption for gay and lesbian individuals only. LGBT couples find themselves in jeopardy when they choose to move to a state that refuses to recognize their adoption. Social workers are in a unique position to advance the basic rights of the LGBT community regarding same-gender adoption. (Stokes)
The main benefits of private agency adoption are that it provides the extensive counseling that normally goes along with adoptions. They are very selective when it comes to picking the parents for the children because there are a lot of parents that want to adopt, so they have to get the right match for each child. They use many screening factors to pick and choose which parent to work with, such as: age, health, income, religion, and size of family, etc. (Richman) …show more content…

Some birth mothers and birth families report that having a closed adoption provided a sense of closure enabling them to move on with their lives. Open adoption may also reduce birth mothers feelings of pain and loss. Those in favor of open adoption further contend that adoptive parents will feel more secure because the birth parents have given them explicit consent to parent the child. For birthmothers with concerns about explaining their decision to others, a closed adoption can offer a way to avoid confrontation.

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