Gatsby Color Symbolism

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In The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, uses colors to symbolize a character’s inner thoughts and feelings or an objects deeper meaning. He uses colors to symbolize the many different ideas in the book. The colors are used very often as symbols, and the hues create atmosphere in different scenes of the book. Color symbolism is used to convey a deeper message to the readers and help them understand the characters. The novel shows the major themes through the use and explanation of many different colors. The color white is associated with purity, and innocence. In the novel Nick describes the room in Tom’s house where Daisy and Jordan are introduced. He describes the room as “bright” and the windows as “gleaming white against the grass”. The dresses Jordan and Daisy are wearing are also white. In the first chapter, Daisy and Jordan’s “girlhood” is described as “beautiful and white”. Childhood represents innocence and because the color white is associated with it, white becomes a representation of innocence as well. The affect the color white makes is the impression of a pure, clea...

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