Gabler Addiction Speech

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Today is the fifth day of the April Blogging Challenge. Today I have chosen the word Enabler. Now to some of you this word won't be real significant. To those of us who are greatly affected by this addiction, oh trust me you won't know how messed up life can get until you get caught up in this web.

Some of you who have been reading here for awhile might remember reading my post, Things I Learned From My Addict: The Tangled Web of the Enabler.

Remember when I had to make that moral inventory of, WHO AM I? while standing on Step Number Five? No, It's okay! I don't live there anymore.

Providing the Money and the Means- Giving out money is only one way we enable our addict. Also caught in the tangled web are other ways of enabling the addict. Maybe you have lots of money. Good for you. Now, stop handing it over to your addict. This is …show more content…

We blame ourselves and question everything. Was it our parenting? Was I a bad mother? Was it that time when he was two and I smacked him on his butt for not listening? How did this happen? Was it my fault? Why us? How did we end up in this mess? Why God?

Control- We become obsessed with controlling our addict. Do you have to know where your addict is every minute of every day? Do you have to know everything about your addict just in case there is something you can fix? Do you have to be in charge of everything? If I control him, then I can fix him, right? Wrong. We can never control the addict or this addiction. We can never control heroin. We are powerless over heroin and what this drug does to our addict and to ourselves.

Now, it is okay to set boundaries. Trust me in their active addiction there most definitely needs to be boundaries. I had a few. The main one was that he was not to come around me or to my house if he was high or using that day. You know I hate this so please don't disrespect me or my house. Even in recovery you set

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