Future Of Israel Research Paper

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Jess Young
Mrs. Staude
Communications II
12 November 2015
The Future of Palestine and Israel For many years now, Israel and Palestine have faced many conflicting issues. The result is war, death, and bloodshed. Those who are stuck in between may feel hopeless about the future of Palestine and Israel. Since 1948 (History Guy), Israelis and Palestinians have been in conflicting arguments with one another which in turn causes even more hopelessness and despair for the people of not just Israel, but the rest of the world. Many hope there will be a peaceful future for both Israel and Palestine, but others, including myself, feel hopeless. The conflict in Israel and Palestine deals mostly with this question: Who owns the land?
In the late 1880s, …show more content…

On October 15, Joseph's tomb was set ablaze by the Palestinians. According to Jews, Joseph's tomb is considered a holy place. When it was set ablaze many Israelis became angered by the Palestinians. According to the article on CNN, "people went to the site early Friday to erect a barricade to thwart Israeli troops from demolishing homes" (Brumfield, Botelho). More recently, three Palestinians were killed on Monday, November 9 over the Israeli-Palestinian conflicts (McLelland). In Blood Brothers by Elias Chacour, it also shows conflicts happening in the 1930s in Palestine. It reads "The protests of 1936-68 were renamed "The Arab Rebellion." Palestinians, who in any other country being overtaken by foreign forces would have been called freedom fighters, were "terrorists" and "guerillas." Hence, the widely used term "Palestinian terrorist" was ingrained in the Western mind" (Chacour 130).
In this passage Palestinians become known as "terrorists" in the Western world, making the Palestinians the enemy of most countries. More countries began to turn on the Palestinians and that's why the U.S. and the U.N. joined forces with Israel to help keep the Palestinians under control, that is also why most of the original Palestinian land was taken away from the Palestinians. In Blood Brothers, the Palestinians faced many troubles and it also gives a first hand experience on what it was like to live as a young Palestinian …show more content…

The story is so much more complex then what was stated and tensions are growing even more. Is there hope for the Israelis and Palestinians? Will the people ever come to terms and accept peace? Rick Steves visited Israel to discuss the issue between these two "countries". Steves seemed very hopeful about the future between them. In The Holy Land: Israelis and Palestinians Today it states that many hope for peace in the future and that Palestinians wish to see their country as a whole, and not surrounded by a wall. Most people in Israel and Palestine want peace, but because there are constant "terrorist" attacks on either sides, it seems impossible for these countries to agree on

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