I. Introduction
Functional Testing is basically testing software based on its functional requirements. Meaning it makes sure that the SUT (System Under Test) or program physically works the way it is intended. Now that there is a basic understanding of what Functional Testing is by the definition provided above; How about going more In-depth on the topic.
This paper will provide answers to questions that the writer had on the topic as well as to the overall importance of Functional Testing. Questions to be discussed will be accentuated throughout the paper.
II. What Is Functional Testing?
Functional Testing in a sense is to test every function individually; this meaning testing the function to the extent that the tester can say with confidence that the function works. Based off the definition earlier stated in the introduction; there is more to Functional Testing than just a one or two line definition. In fact, there are many components and relationships that need to be introduced before having a full understanding of what Functional Testing truly is in its entirety.
There are different components to Functional Testing that will be elaborated here throughout the paper. Functional tests include: Boundary Value Testing, Equivalence Class Testing, Decision Table-Based Testing and many more. These are just some examples that the writer felt needed to be discussed more affluently.
White Box functional test is usually called unit testing and concentrates on the functions as one might see them in the code. Black box function testing focuses on commands and features, things the user can do or select. Now that there is a more detailed description of Functional Testing; what are these different components and how do they i...
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...lect vital information about the capabilities and attributes of software and to help expose potential issues.
Works Cited
Board, I. S. (1986). An American National Standard, IEEE Standard for Software Unit Testing. New York: The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
Cem Kaner, J. B. (2002). Lessons Learned in Software Testing. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Jorgensen, P. C. (2008). Software Testing: A Craftman's Approach, Third Edition. Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
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COSGROVE, JACLYN, and CARRIE COPPERNOLL. "Testing System Fails." The Oklahoman 1 May 2013, Front Page sec.: 1A. Print.
Testing must be performed on a pre-established schedule and will be executed under supervision of the qualified individual to validate the sampling; besides, must be implemented by third party testing services, and the Instruments used for analysis should be calibrated in accordance with established procedures.
Santana, E., Tanaka, S., Guerra, e., Fernandes, C. and Silveira, F. (2009) “Towards a Practical Approach to Testing Pointcut Descriptors With JQuati”, In Latin American Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Software Development, 3, Fortaleza.
Sometimes within the Functional analysis, creating a testing situation leaves out something small, but crucial piece of information, that occurs within the natural surroundings (perhaps the kid most effective desires a green train). That is an extremely good instance of whilst different sources of statistics along with descriptive tests, direct commentary, and interviews are useful in reporting more information to make the testing situations seem real or help with treatment selections. Some other difficulty, is a Functional analysis may additionally produce a transient increase in problem behavior. “The problem behavior may maintain or take place more regularly if the evaluation is ended before the suitable behavior is taught. To avoid this, we end the analysis as soon as we've got sufficient records to teach us something about the behavior” (Hanley, Iwata, & McCord, 2003).
Hunter, Beatrice Trum. “New Alternatives in Safety Testing.” Consumer Research Magazine 83 (2002): 26- 30.
There are many solutions to these problems, but none of them are easily implemented. Each area of testing should be heavily modified. In math, for example, there is a str...
LIU, SHAOYING, TETSUO TAMAI, and SHIN NAKAJIMA. "A Framework For Integrating Formal Specification, Review, And Testing To Enhance Software Reliability." International Journal Of Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering 21.2 (2011): 259-288. Academic Search Premier. Web. 18 Nov. 2012.
Around fifty percent of the software development cost is expended in software testing. It consumes resources and gives nothing in terms of functionality. Much effort has been spent in the development of automatic software testing tools in order to reduce the cost of developing software.
Second I will describe what these tests are used to figure out and how they are carried out.
The more time the tester spends on testing, the more is the chances of finding bugs.
Today, rigorous application testing is a critical part of virtually all software development projects. As more organizations develop mission-critical systems to support their business activities, the need is greatly increased for testing methods that support business objectives. It is necessary to ensure that these systems are reliable, built according to specification, and have the ability to support business processes. Many internal and external factors are forcing organizations to
Delivering a quality product is not solely down to how good the developer is, even though that helps, it is down to the quality of the original analysis and understanding of the requirement. Software testing is carried out to provide developers with a report on the quality of the program or application under testing. It allows the business to get an objective and informative view of how the product works. The purpose of testing is to resolve as many issues as possible before it is released. Each of the following testing principles help play a part but collectively they look to provide a working solution.
After computing the F-test ratio value, decision as to whether accept or reject the stated null hypothesis. Reject hypothesis if the computed value is greater than the tabular value, accept if otherwise.