Functional Analysis Of Homelessness In America

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America is believed to be "The Land of Opportunities,", but how can that be true when our own citizens are struggling with keeping the "American Dream" from turning into a nightmare? There is a problem with the availability of opportunities to better the lives of Americans across the nation. "In America the newly developing caste system appears to encompass more than just income inequality, it encompasses inequality in opportunity, in life expectancy, in happiness and in all other aspects of life itself." The transient community is homeless not hopeless, they are valuable members of society but they are never given the chance to prove it. If they live in the "land of opportunity" why are they not given one? With symbolic interactionism, "we If the homeless do not have a function in society they cannot compete for the resources available, but if we give them back their purpose they will have an equal opportunity to the resources they are due. The homeless- and most people in poverty- are in an endless circle of disadvantage, since there are no jobs available they cannot establish a place of residence and with no place of residence they cannot get a job or show previous work experience. Even if they have the skills that qualify them for a job they will not be able to take the next step and become a valued member of society once more. Many of the homeless population are not homeless by choice, many have lost the only job in the household, many are military veterans that have not assimilated back to civilian life, and some are homeless due to natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina. "It can happen to anyone of us. A hurricane, earthquake or wildfire that is out of control can destroy our home within minutes. We must never say never when it comes to the possibility of being homeless, especially when we consider the impact that natural disasters have. Worldwide natural disasters render middle class people near poverty and the poor, That is just the number of people living in poverty, but how do they count the homeless when you have to have a home to participate in the Census? When the Census is taken, the distributors often go to homeless shelters, soup kitchens, and disaster emergency shelters and evaluate the number of people there for a maximum of 3 days. This is undercoverage by the use of a convenience sample, it does not allow for a better representation of the homeless. Since homeless shelters only let people stay for an allotted amount of time this would not give the Census Bureau accurate information to the actual number of homeless in America that are not represented under the poverty

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