Friendship Essay: The State Of Friendship

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Throughout our lives we have all had the honor of experiencing friendship, but never has friendship been defined in a way where it encompasses the true feelings and duties that come along with it. Webster’s Dictionary refers to the definition of friendship as “The state of being friends;the quality or state of being friendly : friendliness.” To me this just scratches the surface of what friendship means. Friendship to me is not only just being friendly, but rather the journey that friends take along the way. Friendship is a deeper connection between people that helps them grow together, it means being a team. Friends will go out of their way to cheer you up when you’re sad or they’ll be there for the happy moments to cheer you on. True friendship allows you to be yourself and not care what others think.
While being friendly is a key part of friendship, we can be friendly to anyone we meet on the street, that doesn’t instantly make us friends. It’s the deeper connection and understanding you find with someone that establishes a friendship. I can tell anyone my problems or my success and they will respond with being friendly, but friends will know how to sympathize with my problems; they will know what to say to cheer me up. While during my success they will know how much it means to me, and how to push me forward. But …show more content…

The true definition of friendship is the journey that friends must go through. It cannot be defined by a single experience, but rather all the experiences as whole. Whether that’s being by someone’s side if they need a shoulder to cry on or if it’s cheering them on through their success, or its becoming a team and feeling like you can take on the world. Whatever the journey is for you friendship will always turn out

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