Freedom Rides Research Paper

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The Freedom rides were the events that were inspired by the American freedom rides to give equal rights to black people as what the white people have. Back before 1967 in Australia many of the aborigines were treated very poorly and many people have been discriminative and racially insulting and abusing them for a long time. The people who stood to take action for better rights had been non liked at all and usually were insulted by many people and then they would take their reactions and make aggression out of it. The white people all tried covering up the situation but that was not what the student action for aboriginals wanted, they wanted everyone one to know the truth and they did not like that at all and that is when people reacted. The freedom riders had many emotions over the course of the trip, they were furious, upset, angry and scared but they never gave up throughout the trip. But then the event was broadcasted on the news then people really knew what was going on and were upset that the aborigines were actually being treated this way. Many people reacted differently to the rides but at the end of the day the freedom riders eventually got what they want to achieve, equal rights. Were they Racially insulted? During the freedom rides most the people that were a part of or involved in the freedom rides …show more content…

But anger did break out at many of the protest with foreign objects being flung at them and heated conversations with threats broke out as well. The people of Moree were furious and violent when all the aboriginal kids tried to get into the pool all the people were verbally abusing them and also racially insulting them so the group came back and they fought the colour bar at the Moree baths and eventually they were allowed

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