Freedom Of Religion In Australia

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Freedom of Religion
Freedom of religion in Australia means the freedom of being able to choose whatever religion you want and not being assaulted or insulted for it. This also means that the government can’t interfere with your choice of religion (or no religion).Some religious beliefs however cannot be followed if they mean the harm of another believer’s faith or if they interfere with the laws of the country. This freedom applies to most countries in the world however there are a few such as: Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Burma and China that don’t have this luxury. There are some countries in the world that have a national religion such as Argentina and Bolivia.

Freedom of Religion in Australia
In Australia, freedom of religion means the ability to practise whatever religion you want (or no …show more content…

Freedom of religion is infringed when Section 116 of the Constitution of Australia is breached and when individuals are forced to engage in conduct prohibited by their religion. Section 116 of the Constitution of Australia the Commonwealth (Federal Parliament) can’t prohibit the free exercise of any religion and that no religious test shall be required for any office (work) under the Commonwealth. In Australia there are some limitations made to keep the citizens of Australia safe and these limitations are for freedom of religion. For example you are not permitted to practise your chosen religion or belief if it means the harm or persecution of

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