Freedom In Brave New World

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In the world, each society the government creates a certain idea they follow. Americas idea is freedom and expression. Every society has stability, and if one day the freedom and expression were taken away then our society as we know will collapse. This is similar to Brave New World where they also have their own idea to how they run their society. In their so iety one of the most important idea they follow is order, happiness and stability. The government and as well as the community have this idea where everyone is always happy, and remains happy and contributes to their job in relates to their class happily. Then their society will be able to run smoothly. In Brave New World by Aloux Huxley in order to make this idea of order, happiness, and stability they created happen the government is accompanied by the scientific drug called soma.

In our civilization the person our people show their emotion and are not masked by anything. In BNW from the time you were a child, through your whole life until you die, you take a …show more content…

No person is ever different. They're all the same and the government makes sure of that. Soma is used to make everyone feel the same and is suppose to be used each day. Soma keeps everything in order. Without stability with the help of soma everything would change and there would not be a utopia. Bernard is different and he knows it. Bernard is different from his class and amongst the others in the world state both physically and in his thinking physically Bernard is not like the other men even though he is an alpha it even said in the book that there was a mistake made in the lab and alcohol was spilled on him when he was in the bottle in the lab Bernard also has different sort of thoughts than the average person in his society he dislikes obstacle golf he likes to be alone he is not as interested in casual sex in the way that people in the society are supposed to be. No one is given an

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