Free Will In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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Their tragedy is time’s fate. The constant delay that we see on Hamlet from his lack of action could have saved these lovers from their imminent death even if it was by just merely minutes. The news of Juliet's death, Romeo leaving Mantua so quickly, arriving to Juliet’s body so fast, the outcome of all these actions could have saved their lives if time would have been on their side. Romeo is not fazed by the progression of events, nor was he afraid of his own fate stemming from his first premonition before the ball, it was only after he presumed Juliet to be dead that he could no longer rely on fate and be a passive bystander to his life and thus he must act and take control over his life. Their overpowering irrational emotions, that of anger, …show more content…

He had a way of blending fate and character-flaws together, but he also provided the viewer with instances in which the characters aren’t completely helpless and victims of their own fate, but they are in fact a helping hand to their own tragic downfall. The imagery and language of fate is supported by the restrains of free will throughout the plays. All of Shakespeare’s protagonist go through a transformation of character where they develop as a character because they are able to acknowledge who they have become. Shakespeare’s lack of clarity added a mysterious element in Romeo and Juliet by having blurred the lines between the work from fate and the consequences from the actions of the characters with in the story. This inability to solve the problems within the plays continually draws us in, to reread or reexperience the performances of the plays despite the audience knowing the outcome. Hamlet is in a constant conflict with himself, questioning what is right from wrong and in a world that only gives him one deadly predicament he would have preferred not been born rather than accept his own fatalism. Hamlet’s appeal is through the empathy of his personal struggle. The moral reality of how to deal with the corruption of the world are the basic human examples of everyday human choices. William Shakespeare had a variety of themes to emphasize how the protagonist was fated by the stars

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