Free Tuition Should Not Be Free Essay

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College tuition costs have been on a tremendous incline over the past decades. Many young students have avoided seeking or attending higher education as a result of this. Students who have chosen to attend college now face the reality of having to loan money or accumulating huge amounts of debt." Democratic candidates such as Bernard Sanders have been trying to enact laws that would grant public colleges to be free for students. People against free college tuition have voiced their opinions stating that free tuition would have many negative consequences and flaws. While people in opposition of free college tuition have their valid points, free tuition would actually provide a ton of benefits. Therefore, Lawmakers should enact a law into legislation that would require public college tuition to be free because it allows great …show more content…

According to Charles Lane "overtime, however, the senders plan might make the U.S higher education more accessible but less excellent. Charles lane is correct that free tuition would equal to having scarce educational resources (Text 4, line 23-25). Having Free tuition would also require a huge budget which results in major consequences such as the increases in taxes for all citizens. Although Charles lane is correct that having less money would cause there to be less educational resources, he doesn't address the many advantages that free tuition will provide the students of the United States. Charles doesn't acknowledge that "an important pathway to the middle class runs through higher education, and the rising costs are making it harder for Americans to attend"(Text 3, Line 20-23). Without Free tuition, we would be limiting Americans the opportunity to become successful and be a part of the middle class. It is not enough in today's society for a person to only rely on a high school education as a means of living a great

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