Frederick Douglass And Harriet Jacobs Analysis

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Frederick Douglass, well known for his autobiography Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass and his actions he took to fight for slavery to end. Harriet Jacobs who wrote Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl. Frederick Douglass and Harriet Jacobs both escaped from slavery. Both former slaves also wrote their own narratives and autobiographies and made an impact on ending slavery and provoked understanding that they and other slaves down South were people in dire need to be free physically and legally. Their books displayed to the North and abroad an empathetic tone reflecting what they and others around them suffered from day to day. However, both Douglass and Harriet are different people with different experiences while in bondage and Harriet Jacobs while in bondage contained a certain amount of leverage because of her strong will against Dr. Flint. She decided that her ultimatum to contribute her body to another white man instead of Flint because of her condition as a female slave. When she conceived and raised her two children for a while, Mr. Sands whom the father of the two children wanted to buy her children. Once her two children reached the age to be sold off at a young age, she decided to escape from the bondage of Dr. Flint. While she resided as a fugitive slave she stated, “… I asked her to go into my room as soon as it was light, and take all my clothes out of my trunk, and pack them in hers; for I knew Mr. Flint and the constable would be there early to search my room” (Jacobs 147). This statement displayed how clever Harriet existed as because of how much she examined the ways of Dr. Flint. Knowing that her grandmother planned on buying her children’s freedom, she wanted to take the opportunity the first chance she received to escaped When Douglass escaped he married to a free-woman named Anne Murray. Before he married her, he ran away into the woods in the state of obtaining nothing he stated, “…in the midst of plenty, yet suffering the terrible gnawings of hunger… yet having no home…feeling as if in the midst of wild beasts, whose greediness to swallow up the trembling and half-famished fugitive is only equalled by that with which the monsters of the deep swallow up the helpless fish upon which they subsist,--I say, let him be placed in this most trying situation” (Douglass 109). This description provided the hardest point in his life because not only he proclaimed as a fugitive but also a figure of prey toward the wilderness. When Jacobs escaped she lived in a tiny room where she watched over children. While in the tiny room she lived, she stated, “…for weeks I was tormented by hundreds of little red insects, fine as a needle 's point, that pierced through my skin, and produced an intolerable burning” (Jacobs 175). This explanation of her sufferings while in transition to freedom at this point grew physically uncomfortable. She displays how strong and enduring in a state of conflict from nature itself to be with her children and closer to the side that meant

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