Frankenstein Chapter 5 Analysis

672 Words2 Pages

Milton Gordon
Mrs. Scott-Edwards
Honors English
Period 4

From Creation to Creator

Frankenstein, the story of a scientist who takes his own leap into darker sciences and defies the laws of nature. In chapter 5 Victor succeeds in creating life from death yet although he is excited by his creation, it also disgusts him. This novel represents the consequences of when man tries to play God and create life not from birth but from scientific means. This book came to be when a group of Romantic poets were stuck inside at Lake Geneva and decided to write ghost stories to pass the time. Nineteen-year-old Mary Shelley states that the idea of Frankenstein came to her in a dream, the idea of life being created by unnatural means. At the time science and technology was seen as fascinating to …show more content…

In the chapter, Victor’s creation is brought to life but his reaction is something the audience would not expect. Victor is at first excited at his creation but disgusted as well which drives him to run away from his laboratory. These events have a major impact on the rest of the novel due to the effect it has on the monster. Frankenstein has created life, yet instead of accepting the creature and showing compassion, he rejects it, this causes the monster to despise the world that has created him.
In the start of the novel, Victor is seen as a curious yet educated man who is interested in the sciences. As the story progresses however, he dwells deeper into the occult sciences and the meaning of life, he begins to let his curiosity control his decisions. In chapter five, Victor’s true thoughts are revealed as he is disgusted by the outcome of his work. We see that Victor is unable to atone for his mistakes but instead just want’s them to go away. The chapter shows that Frankenstein is not the curious youth displayed in previous chapters but instead a disillusioned, arrogant

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