Frankenstein Alive Quotes

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“It's alive, it's moving, it's alive, it's alive, it's alive, it's alive, IT'S ALIVE!” Yeah, that’s the most common quote that comes to mind when someone makes mention of Frankenstein. You almost instantly begin to think of the colossal beast rising to life, as the crackling lightning bolt struck through the sky. While many people are familiar with Frankenstein’s story as I just told it, the original Frankenstein story, written by Mary Shelley in 1818, featured none of this. No “it’s alive” quote. No flash of lightning. No bolts in his neck. He didn’t even have the famous flat-top haircut. The original version of Frankenstein’s birth – as written by Shelley – went like this:
“It was on a dreary night of November that I beheld the accomplishment …show more content…

This heat wave was so immense it caused the ice to melt, releasing Frankenstein from the suspended animation state that he was in. The first thing he did upon his return was hunt for Vincent Frankenstein, a descendant of Victor Frankenstein. His travels were harsh. Most of the time he wandered, wondering if he’d ever find his creator’s successor. Eventually, Frankenstein ended up in Transylvania. Here, he met with an old gypsy woman named Marguerita. Marguerita said she knew information that could help Frankenstein locate Vincent. She used this lie to make the green monster goliath help her resurrect the nefarious and vile being known as Vlad Dracula.
Once he figured out her scheme, he - filled with rage - killed Marguerita. It was all too late though. Dracula had been revived and he had his sights set on Frankenstein. Inevitably, the two monsters clashed and Dracula attempted to bite the neck of Frank (a nickname of Frankenstein that is often used in the comics). Dracula’s attempt failed solely because he did not accumulate enough strength (I mean, being dead for decades would weaken you drastically). The Lord of Vampires retreated and Frankenstein continued his search for

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